Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Wow, this is the weather we have been waiting for with temps this morning in the low 50's and it may have reached the low 70's in the afternoon when the sun finally decided to make a showing. Well the morning found me awake at 6 AM yet Nancy insisted I stay in bed for awhile longer as she wanted to sleep in; but I had lots to do so I finally rolled out about 7 to start the day. After my cup of green tea I wondered out onto the deck for that breath of fresh air and did my quiet time then I wondered out around the cabin checking on all the gardens before Nancy decided to make us a mountain breakfast of eggs, grits and bacon, yeow was that ever good.

After the clean-up I headed down to the lower garden and then set out to the lower woods to saw a small pine tree to replace the broken top rail of my garden fence. The sun was peeping occasionally but mainly it looked like rain showers with a little fog; but what a great day for working outside. I raked all the leaves from the fence row around the garden then took the riding mower and mulched them up and placed them around the blueberry bushes. That kept me busy as I raked and pulled weeds as well as fertilized them before we decided to take our first hike to the top of the mountain.

The top was like a "ghost town" except for stopping at Norman's and finding him in not very good shape. His legs have really gone out from under him and he can barely get around much at all. We sat and chatted for 1/2 an hour before it looked as if it was going to rain so we headed for home. Luckily we left when we did because the rain started to fall. It was nearly 1PM before got back and I was famished. Nancy heated up some left over ham and bean soup and did that ever taste great especially as the outside temp began to fall drastically. The rain was a cold one. I decided to rack the wild black berry wine that has been chilling for nearly 8 months in the cellar. Well the first two gallon jugs were undrinkable but the next jug was better even though it had no kick. I think I might get a ready made bladder of grape juice from the local winery and make a batch like that before I try making vino from scratch again with the local berries. I poured over 2 gallons of the bad wine out and managed to save about a gallon.

Well it quit raining but still stayed overcast so I decided to put my tomato's plants in the ground along with my pepper plants. I also planted 4 rows of sweet corn for the first time. When I was a kid we grew tons of sweet corn and along with fresh sliced tomato's there is no better combo for lunch or supper especially with butter dripping down your arms from eating corn on the cob, yikes I hope the deer stay away from the patch. After finishing up for the day we headed in for a glass of vino before starting on the last of the turkey, gravy, dressing, smashed taters and a salad, YUMM!!!

We took a golf cart ride out to the mailboxes after supper as we both were just to tired to walk anymore. Susan Kuyatt sent Nancy the whole first season of the Walton's and we cracked up when she opened the package. Seems Nancy has found the Walton's to be a real mood setter for her these past few months as she battles her health issues and the thought of not seeing our babies and grand babies as we made plans for this trip to the cabin. Anyhow thanks much Susan for creating a good lite moment after another hard working day. Well I had one more chore to do and that was to adjust the temperature setting for the new module in the shower/tub. Seems yesterday when Walt changed out the module the hot water setting was too low so our showers last night were warm and we like them hot especially on our tired muscles.

Well Philip Philips is the new American Idol but in all seriousness I don't think he had the best all around voice as did the young Jessica. Oh well!!! LATER Here are a couple pics of our first hike up to the mountain top this year, enjoy.  

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