Saturday, May 5, 2012


The morning was much the usual with Chester crowing around 5'ish, we were having marinated chicken breast's for supper and I was thinking if he would be any good marinated, oh well just a fleeting thought. After my quiet time and bowl of fruit I pedalled out to the rec for some hour and half of pickle ball as I'm still fighting off this head cold. I got in a good workout with 5 other guys and the play was great. They too wanted to cut the session short which worked out for me as well. After the rec I headed home and could tell it was going to be a hot day today with high humidity. I'm so looking forward to cool mornings in the mountains in just about 2 weeks time.

Amy brought Sam by as she had her yearly eye doctor's appointment then she stayed an had lunch with us. We had a good visit with them and he is so cute and now is very curious about everything and talks up a storm. Ava came later as she stays after school to have lunch and play with her school mates. She is such a sweet girl and really plays well with Sam. He gets a little rambunctious with her if he doesn't get what he wants and has to spend a little time in "time out" which justs breaks his heart. After they left we cleaned house as Dan, Carol and Marie(their house mate for the last 6 months from Sweden) was coming for supper at 5:30. We were having the last of the green beans from the garden as the nematodes got their roots, a fresh salad which included some of what I have left growing; kale, basil, green peppers, dill and tomato's. All the rest came from the store. We also fixed the marinated chicken and I grilled those and Carol brought cauliflower; notice no starches, Yea!!!!

Nancy is really looking slim after we have been on this different way of eating or eating in combinations. I'm still down a few pounds but would like to lose more of this spare tire; anyhow we had a fun time together and of course had a glass of the fruit of the vine with supper. After the clean up we played 12 rounds of chickfoot dominoes and listened to the Rays in the background. It was a fun evening and the boys won despite being out numbered 3-2 and the Rays beat the Athletics 7-2. I tuned into a little NHL before turning the lights off around 11, LATER

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