Thursday, May 10, 2012


Well what a busy day with it starting early around 5 in the morning with our Chester next door crowing. After his wake up I stayed in the sack until a little before 6 then rolled out to begin the day. After my quiet time and a lite breakfast of fruit and oatmeal I headed out to the rec for a couple hours of pickle ball. We were very short handed today and played 2 on 1 for awhile before finally getting a fourth. We ended up with a few more coming a little later and managed to have at the most 6 players as many have left for their summer homes up north  and as far away as Canada. After the rec and a good wet shirt I pedalled home to piddle around outside in the yard and garden. Nancy was off to the drug store to stock up on her prescriptions and a stop at the rec for some treadmill exercise.

Amy and the kiddos went to Tampa to have lunch with Tyler so we never saw them today and thus we had a lite lunch of leftover pizza and a salad. I read after lunch as it really started to heat up so I chilled the rest of the afternoon until it was time to get ready for house church. We were having a meal tonight so I filled the smoker with marinated chicken legs and cut the last 2 heads of cabbage and Nancy made cole slaw. Several brought potato salad and slaw as well and a pasta salad. It was Maria's birthday so Carole brought a cake and we had a new couple come with a 3 week old baby boy. He is a veteran from the Marine Corp and just finished a tour of duty in Afghanistan. A real nice young couple and are neighbors to a couple other house church members. We had a house full with 13 adults and 2 kiddos. The smoked chicken was excellent as was all the side dishes and it was going on 9 before everyone left. I managed to catch the last 10 minutes of Survivor and then settled in to watch the Rays come from behind in the 9th inning to beat the Yanks 4-1, what a come from behind win with a home run from Matt Joyce with 2 on base. The Capital's also beat the Rangers in the NHL to create a 7 th game in those playoffs as well.

Well 10 days and counting until we can say good-bye to the big mouth rooster next door and hello to the cool mountain mornings. We sure will miss our family and friends here but will once again renew friendships in the mountains. LATER

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