Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Well it was sure cloudy as I rode out to the rec this morning on the 10 speed but no rain until late this evening when a strong front with some severe storms hit the just north of the bay area. Trees, building damaged and thousands without power, yikes we were just in between these storms with tornado warnings still in effect as I write. Anyhow after my quiet ime and a bowl of oatmeal with fruit I headed to the rec for some pickle ball. we had some great play for the first hour.

We were heading over to GG and Pap's for lunch as neice Erica and family were visiting from

Miami. She has 6 children with the oldest 8. Wow does she have her hands full. As I write Sam is on my lap trying to help me type, what a character he is. He is jabbering away and no one knows what's he's saying but he is vocal. We had a grand time and it was good to see their newest addition for the first time. I will enclose some pics of their gang. The lunch was great as well with garbanza bean soup GG made, macaroni salad Amy made and deli lunch meat sanwiches Nancy made as well as chocolate chip cookies. The kids all got a chance to bond especially Teresa and Ava.

After getting back Nancy took off to Publix then to the rec for her workoutI chilled and caught up on some reading. Amy and the kids came for supper so we finished up the chicken casserole from Amy's, a pork chop and taters as well as a salad with some hard boiled eggs. After supper it was color time and doll baby making; then bath time as Sam was already yawning. Well I will close for today, LATER

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