Monday, March 7, 2011


Well this morning as I rode out to the rec after my quiet times and the usual bowl of oatmeat with a little fruit for pickle ball I had to put on a long sleeve shirt, yikes this is the second week in March and usually by this time of the year we have the a/c cranked up until the end of October. I love it but I'm sure these temps won't be around much longer although last night around 9 PM we got a call from Winchester and they were having snow falling after having 73 degree temps the day before. Wow whats is going on with these crazy temps!!!

We had a great workout this morning at the rec the first 1/2 hour or so before the general players arrived. I did have a soaken wet shirt and by 10 AM I was ready for a break. After pickle ball I stopped by the weight room for a 100 crunches and a weight in, Wow I'm down a couple more pounds with only about 5 more to go. I've noticed the belly fat is shrinking and I'm totally delerious about this occurrence. Well I stopped by the library to pick up a read before heading home to water the gardens. I then pedalled over to Amy's and picked some of their romaine lettuce which is starting to go to seed to mix in with my bibb lettuce which is starting to mature. Wow there is nothing like home grown lettuce.

After a fresh garden salad for lunch I worked out in the back yard digging weeds, raking and planting new grass seeds until it was time to pull beets, cut broccoli and pick sugar peas for supper. What a super tasting supper with these fresh veggie's when accompanied by a chicken breast on the grill loaded with fresh rosemary. Good eatin'!!!

Well not much else is going on so LATER.

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