Sunday, March 13, 2011

Saturday on Sunday morning

Well here I am again with an update on the clock, this Sunday morning we lost that hour due to daylight savings time. Anyhow back to Saturday. Wow was it a nippy one with temps down into the high 30's and even patchy frost not an hour away to the north from us. It was such a N.C. morning and stayed that way most of the day. No humidity, bright sunshine and deep blue skies. Fantastic, now if it would only stay this way until next October, I know I'm dreaming but yikes it will be hard to forget days like this when the temp's are in the 90' plus and dripping sweat by just walking out side. Oh well!!!

After spending most of the morning in bed, it was after 9 o'clock when we got out of bed, of course the feathered alarm made his presence know at the usual 5 AM awakening but I rolled over. After arising and my spot of tea and quiet time perused the many video's of the earthquake and tsunami damage in Japan. Unbelievable anyone could survive that wall of water as it moved onto the land. I sure hope my friend Mitsuko was not visiting anyone in the northern part of her country. I sent her an e-mail but no response as of yet. Keep her and all of Japan in your thoughts and prayers. I had the privilege to visit Japan while in the military several times during my 7 years of flying in the Viet Nam war. Japan is really a lovely country and I found most of the people were very accommodating. So sad to see such devastation.

Nancy and took off on an extended walk through the neighborhood and it was just beautiful with just enough chill in the air to make it pleasant for power walking. I also got in a good bike ride earlier in the day and learned an old friend had passed away at the age of 94. After the bike ride I watered the gardens then we had leftover cold meatloaf sandwiches for lunch and my were they ever good with some Duke's mayo and onion on pita bread. There goes that spare tire again, oh well.

Tonight we were celebrating Nancy's birthday with a dinner prepared by GG and Amy and brought to our house. We have a dishwater(me) and more play things for the grand babies plus GG and Pap are getting on up there in years and its just too much for them to handle a large crowd for meals. So we are the designated house for family dinners. We had roast pork, kielbasa and Nathan hot dogs in sauerkraut, smashed spuds and a fresh garden salad with homemade Greek and ranch dressings and GG also made a chocolate cake with chocolate icing. I passed on the dessert one again but made up for it with the sauerkraut. YUMM!!!

After they left I watched a little college basketball before cutting the lights off. Today(Sunday) we are having our house church meeting then off to Tampa for our church field day in a park in down town Tampa. We are raising money for a village in Ethiopia, Africa that one of our house churches has adopted, should be a fun day and the temperature is delightful. LATER

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