Wednesday, January 27, 2010


The morning started out with chilly temp's but eventually warmed up to the high 60's with bright sunshine and a slight breeze. After my quiet time and a lite breakfast of oatmeal, cinnamon and honey I headed out to the rec for 2 1/2 hours of pickle ball. We had nearly an hour of good play before the general crowd arrived so there was lots of wet shirts. The local Seminole paper The Beacon did a story on the rec and the seniors who play pickle ball and you guessed it I made the paper as well with a picture. A group of us from the rec are planning on heading over to Sun City Center around the 20th of Feb. to play in a pickle ball tournament. Many thnks to Jersey Jim for his good work and dedication as our administrative guru as well as a hard charging player.

After the rec I worked in the garden until Amy and Ava came for lunch. We finished up the bean soup from last night and then Ava and I played outside with her riding her trike. She has finally started to master the steering while pedaling and just loves riding outside on her trike. I headed out about 1 PM to the library to pick up a couple books on hold before heading out to the dentist. I needed to have a cleaning as well as a complete evaluation with x-rays.Well I made it back a little after 4 PM and with the need of a couple thousand bucks worth of dental work to be done. Another crown and several filings to be replaced. Yikes!!!

Tonight after a supper of oven fried chicken, baked potato's, fresh broccoli and a salad we headed out to our house church. We had 13 in attendance and decided what service projects we were going to be involved in the next months. This Saturday we will do a service project for single mom's by changing the oil in their cars(free of charge), also checking all the fluid levels and giving them 1o dollar gas card's. So far we have 20 appointments that start at 8 Am and last until 1 PM. One of our house church members is dedicating his place of business to perform these tasks. We are planning a supper to go along with next weeks get together as well as celebrating a couple birthdays.

Amy, Ava as well as Nancy are starting to show some positive progress with their illnesses. I will close for now as not much else is happening.LATER

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