Thursday, January 7, 2010


There was a heavy coat of frost this morning on everything, but once again I'm happy to report my garden was spared, do to the surrounding trees. Tonight its not supposed to be as cold with lows in the upper 30's but this week end the forecast is for the high 20's here. Yeow, doesn't look as if the veggies will survive those temp's especially with the wind chill. My eyes watered all the way to the rec as I rode my bike after my quiet time and a lite breakfast, but by 10 AM the temps had risen to the middle 40's and really wasn't so bad. Speaking of the rec we had 9 players today with some good fast play at times with another female newbie. I got a call from the local paper that want to do a story along with an interview of me regarding pickle ball at our rec. sometime next week. Seems like there is interest out there for this sport among the 50 and over crowd.

After the rec I made a stop at the library for a couple new reads then headed on home to hand water the gardens. The sun was shining brightly and by 11 AM it actually felt good in the protected areas. I believe it may have been close to 55 today, not bad considering the cold the past several days. At least there is sunshine. Amy and Ava came for lunch and we finished off the homemade beef barley vegetable soup, Yumm!! Ava wanted to watch UP after lunch and have her many snacks. We played with her until it was time for her to head home for her afternoon nap and that's just what I did as well. Ahh, retirement!!!

Well around 3:30, Nancy went for her walk through the neighbor even though she did 30 minutes on the (t)dreadmill at the rec this morning; I decline after having a good 2 hour workout this morning. I caught up on website of a few interesting journals of guys, girls and some have even taken their babies with them, who pedal all around the world and share their adventures plus great pictures. Check it out.

Nancy and I decided to cut out meat a couple nights a week if we are having a starch, so tonight we fixed a couple baked spuds and a large salad much of which I picked from my garden such as; lettuce, kale, mustard greens, beet greens, radishes and fresh dill. My basil doesn't like this cold weather,as I sure miss its flavor on salads and I'm not sure if its going to make it. I like minced fresh jalapeno pepper on my baked spud, try it as it wakes up your taste buds, even Nancy likes it at times. My peppers are starting to produce and homegrown ones always taste better than store bought.

Well not much else going on except the big college football game of the season between Alabama and Texas tonight. I would have liked to have seen Tim Tebow lead a team to the championship but maybe some day he will be a great example in the NFL. That sport seriously needs some great young men to be good examples for our football athletes instead of the "criminal element" that seem to be so pervasive among the players. Anyhow that's another soapbox for another day. LATER.

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