Sunday, January 24, 2010

Saturday on Sunday Morning

Well we weathered the coughing through the night but Nancy was once again congested as she started moving about. The fever seemed to have abated but deep down in her lungs she has a rumble and as the day progressed it lessened. So good so far for me. I'm still a little washed out. The morning started out with cool temp's and warmed up nicely the rest of the day, so much so that after lunch I sat out in the back yard reading for about 4 hours. By the way I read IN COLD BLOOD by Truman Capote. I'd heard about the true story of the Kansas murder that occurred in 1959 but just never read the book, mainly because I never cared for the author. Well let me assure you Capote did a masterful job of telling this story and now I know why he received much acclaim for this book. Absolutely one of the best investigating stories I've ever read; however the story is like the title of the book. Its hard to imagine that we(Americans) fight for the lives of killer's like Dick and Perry, yet want to kill helpless unborn babies. Read the book, its one you won't want to put down.

Nancy and I just vegetated for most of the day; she on the computer and reading me doing a little garden work and reading. We did get a load of laundry on the line with the bright sunshine and fresh east wind until clouds blew in around 4 PM. We got about a 15 minute rain shower. Just as we thought about putting something together for supper Amy called and invited us to supper. Seems Tyler was needing a little change of scenery from caring for 2 not feeling so well girls. He was making a new recipe for chicken fajitas on the stove, black beans and rice as well as greens. It was good to see Amy and Ava were doing a little better and the dinner was marvelous. We didn't stay long after the clean-up.

We got up with the intention to head out to Element this morning but Nancy was still hacking and expelling colorful luges so we thought why take the change on infecting others. We are doing our worship during our quiet time but sure do miss the "gathering" at Element. I almost forgot to mention we received so exciting news from grand daughter Annsley on Saturday morning. I will share that news at a later date.LATER

1 comment:

Jodi said...

Seriously? You're going to leave me hanging like that? You are a cruel, cruel man Jerry Triplett.