Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Well the morning was a little chilly but after awhile it warmed up to the low 70's with lots of sunshine. I missed my pickle ball play today as I headed to Tampa Airport to pick up Nancy's older brother Eric who is down from Detroit until Friday. After my quiet time and a lite breakfast I stopped by and picked up W.B(Nancy's Dad) so he good ride along. I was back home by 9:30 after stopping and refueling a propane tank at U-Haul.

Nancy and I got ready and started out for a neighborhood walk of about 4 miles. On the way back we stopped and visited Ava and Amy for a short while. Amy wasn't feeling so good as she's been fighting a cough as well as a fever. Ava still has a runny and and now has developed a cough as well. After a lite lunch of salad we headed over to pick up Ava so Amy could get some rest.I never could get her to take a nap as she kept saying" her eyes didn't want to sleep".

Nancy made a large casserole dish of Shepherds pie as well as a chocolate cake with white icing to take to G/G and Pap's house for supper with Eric's oldest daughter and her family. Erica has 5 children with oldest who just turned 7 today.The youngest is just a little over 1. We had quite a house full and were sorry Amy,Tyler and Ava weren't feeling well enough to join us. We sent food home for them for supper. Erica and family have to return to Miami tomorrow but we will once again have a family supper at our house for Eric. Erica's youngsters are musically inclined and talented with the 7 year old girl playing the piano, 5 yr old boy on trumpet and harmonica. Yikes all I can do is play pickle ball!!!

We got a note from a fellow mountain friend that lives near our cabin that the Todd's have their place up for sale through a realtor. We are sorry to hear that but understand with the weather this year and his health they need to be nearer to town. We will certainly miss them as great neighbors and friends.

I got an interesting comment from a fellow pickle baller who reads my ramblings and is a club player in Sun City Center, Florida. I believe that's down toward Ellington and Bradenton area which is south of us. Thanks for your interest and maybe I can get some of our Seminole PB group to head your way for the tournament your sponsoring the 20th of February.

Will close for now, hoping our Amy and Ava are feeling better tomorrow. LATER

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