Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Yikes its COLD in Florida!! I will forever have a greater appreciation for Spring and Summer. You know a friend of ours prayed for the coldest weather this past October when it was 90 degrees every day here in Florida; but now I know that I can always handle finding a cool spot when I'm hot. This morning found me riding out to the rec at 7:30 on the bike with my eyes watering and the cold wind ripping through my flannel shirt. We don't wear coats in Florida where its a/c weather at Christmas, but this morning I had an inkling of what our mountain friends have been facing the last couple of weeks. Mind numbing cold. After my quiet time and a breakfast of oatmeal, cinnamon and honey I pedaled out.

We had 14 players once again for 2 1/2 hours of pickle ball with lots of wet shirts. The play was fast and furious. I actually saw my shadow a couple times in the late afternoon, but for the most part it didn't get much above 45 all day. Nancy headed out of course driving to the rec to do her 30 minutes on the (t)dreadmill before heading off for her Publix fix. After she got home we had a lite lunch then I played with Ava until it was time to head out for a couple errands plus get my new crown fitted for my tooth I broke before Christmas. Wow, Dr.Moss did a great job saving that tooth and the crown looks so natural. I headed over for a meeting with my financial advisor before stopping by to water Tyler's garden and check on the mail. I could see my breath as I watered.

Nancy made meatloaf, mac and cheese and peas for dinner. Man was that ever tasty plus the oven added a little more heat in the kitchen. After dinner I cleaned up and we played with Ava . Tonight is our last night for awhile with her. She has been a delight and our days will take some getting use to, especially the evenings. We have watched UP the movie with her so much that we actually will miss watching it 20 times a day. Such a cutie is she and just down right sweet and loving. Tomorrow Jill is bringing Annsley over for the day so the girls will have a chance to play until its time for them to head back to Riverview.

Well will close for now as its close to Ava's bath time, just as soon as UP is through playing. LATER

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