Thursday, June 7, 2012


Well it was another nippy morning with temps in the high 40's once again but with clear Carolina Blue skies and bright sunshine. I rolled out around 7 and had a cup of hot green tea before doing my quiet time, afterwards I made myself a couple poached eggs along with a bowl of instant grits and a slice of rye bread, yikes I love the taste of rye and pumpernickel. I headed out to check on the gardens after breakfast and found that we got a good inch of rain yet later in the day I saw where on top of the mountain Norms rain gauge shown nearly 2 inches.

After the walk around I headed down to the basement as I wanted to get a final coat of paint on about half of the basement and then get the Lockdown on the the other half which I will paint on Friday. I mistakenly picked up a lighter shade of gray than what I had originally painted the floor in last year but this new color brightens up the basement that much more, so we are both pleased with the new color. It was after 11 when I finished in the basement as I needed to let both areas dry for the day and overnight; so we took off on our daily hike to the top of the mountain.

We only stopped one time on the steep trail that leads up through the back property to the road that runs behind the houses on top of the mountain. We walked by the Browning's but they were gone so we headed for Norms and we checked on him. He was outside working in his yard and we checked on the recently planted corn patch and saw where the hill held fast despite the heavy rainfall. Now if we could get a couple days of warm sunshine the corn should sprout.

We headed on home as it was after 12 and my stomach was growling. Nancy heated up a couple bowls of the veggie soup and did that ever hit the spot with some saltines and Smart Balance on top. After lunch we took a golf cart ride out to the mailbox then took a ride up Rich Hill Mt. road which is barely navigatable as the road is over grown with weeds and had deep washed out ruts. The road runs along other property next to ours and on our walk we saw tire tracks that occurred on the rainy day and we wondered how it got on the road behind our property and where did it exit. We saw where the vehicle crossed over a deep ditch and then headed back down the mountain; it had to have been a 4 wheel drive vehicle.

I piddled around in the garden loosening up the rain packed soil around the cabbages, onions and cukes. I have a few hills of corn up in the upper garden but have several corn seedlings up that I planted in 6-pack containers. I had to re-plant the 1/2 runner beans again with new seed so I hope that makes the difference as in the last 2 plantings the seed has rotted. The peppers are starting to show some little ones and the beets continue to grow along with the lettuce. Maybe with a few warm days they will take off now that we had this nice rain.

Well we just ate a fresh salad for supper as it needed to be eaten plus after the big meal last night we needed to eat lite. After supper I started a camp fire and we warmed around it as the temps began to fall quickly when the sun dropped down below the tree line. Its supposed to be a little warmer than the past couple nights with temps in the 50's, yikes that is beautiful weather and quite the change from the hot 90's in Florida. We also burned a lot of twigs and limbs the rain knocked off in the back woods yard as well as the last couple days of trash. We headed in to watch the Rays and the Yanks on TV and the Rays are finally winning 5-1 as I write. They have lost the past 2 nights to the Yanks and are no longer in first place, LATER

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