Saturday, June 16, 2012


First I must admit I was lazy about making this post on Friday night so here it is Sat. morning and after almost 8 good hours of horizontal lab I feel refreshed and ready to post. Actually, Friday was sort of boring as far as new doings and new seeings as the morning started much the same with cool in the 50's temps, same cup of hot green tea and my usual few quiet moments to reflect, pray for others and give thanks before making myself a couple poached eggs in the microwave and spooning them over a bowl of instant grits, yikes is that fine eatin' with a dash or two of hot sauce.

I headed out to check on the gardens and wouldn't you know it I found a couple hills of beans poking through the ground as well as a cabbage seedling about to die. I have no idea what that was about as it was one of the healthier ones. I then worked on the stump in the back wood yard and finished taking it down to the ground. I felt like working on the railroad as I drove my wedges into the wood with my sledgehammer; that didn't take long to work up a sweat despite the cool temps.

Nancy was moving about and out checking her flower gardens so we planted some marigolds I had grown from seed in the various barren spots in the flower beds where plants for some reason had died over the winter or mysteriously vanished. Helen our mountain mom has a plant that is named the "magic Lilly" that if planted in one spot will surfaced later in a completely different area; thus the name. We decided to get our hike out of the way so off we went. We made it to the back road with only one rest stop up the back trail and were surprised at how easy we made it to the very top. We saw Mike and Nancy and visited with them for awhile when their neighbor Sarah came out and we all stood in the driveway catching up on all that's been going on since we last saw them. Mike related that Sandy(neighbor on top across the road) isn't doing well at all and was once again in ICU in Winston. He now can't drive and the prognosis isn't good with the blood on the brain. Keep him in your prayers as he is rather young; about my age.

We checked on the corn at Norm's and more seems to be up so on Sat. morning I'm heading up with the hoe and some fertilizer  along with neighbor Joe and we will work that patch over. There aren't too many weeds but those rocks are growing and multiplying. I can taste that roastneer now!!! We headed back down to have a lite lunch of grilled cheese with a slice of tomato with mayo, wow this is fabulous sandwich with a dill pickle on the side.We chilled for an hour or so reading before getting ready to head to Cornerstone to help with youth mission team who were over in Independence, Va. visiting nursing homes and doing some drama as well as some singing to those infirmed. There was a change of plans at the last minute after we got to the church when we found we wouldn't be needed to prepare a supper for them so we hung around and watered the newly set out plants and bushes before heading back to the cabin.

Nancy fixed a frozen pizza which of course she doctored up with fresh basil, oregano and some small green peppers from the garden. The herbs made that cheap pizza taste like a million bucks as a matter of fact we had a basil pizza at an Italian restaurant in St.Pete a few months back and wow was that ever dewisheous. Anyhow after a salad and pizza I fired up the riding mower and mowed all the yards except the back woods yard then weed whacked. We still had an hour or so of daylight so we took off on the golf cart to the top of the mountain. We stopped and chatted with Joe and Jetta who were working in their yard then made the complete circle across the top of the mountain before heading back down. The air was crystal clear and we could see the buildings in down town Winston-Salem and we could see the parking area on top of Pilot Mountain as well. Bullhead Mountain was exceptionally clear almost like 3-D.

We turned the tube on and had a cup of hot ginger tea and got interested in Mountain Man show on one of the channels. I checked on the Rays as they were finally winning against the Marlins after being totally taken apart by the Mets and before you knew it it was nearly 11 PM. Time for a hot shower and then to bed, LATER

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