Monday, June 25, 2012


Well things are looking up a little with the knee as I was able to get outside and walk around with the help of the crutches. I ventured down to the gardens after a lite breakfast of wild huckle berries and corn flakes, my quiet time and saw where in just in a week the weeds have taken over as well as the cut worms claimed another cabbage. I think I have 1/2 dozen left. The corn is still growing in various stages after replanting it a couple weeks ago. The beans never did amount to much as I think the soil just needs lime, and the tomato plants are down right pitiful, oh well I guess I will rely on hand outs this year.

I took the golf cart to the top of the mountain and returned a couple books that Joe had lent me to read while I was flat on my back as well as did neighbor Gerald. Nancy wanted to get in her hike so I met her on top at Joe and Jetta's and she rode back down with me and then we took a ride out to check the mail. I got a nice card from our local church wishing me a speedy recovery so that perked me up as well as the chance to get out of the cabin. After lunch I iced the knee and rested it for a couple hours and started a new book about the life of our second president John Adams, wow what a good read.

Nancy fried up some yellow squash and I picked some fresh herbs; basil, cilantro, oregano and green pepper to garnish it with and wow was that ever dewisheous. Since she was frying we decided on some Swaii filet's and yikes is that a great fish and we rounded the meal out with some seasoned turnip greens. Now that was some fine eatin'!! After supper I stayed in and kept my knee elevated and let it rest as I didn't want to overdo the first full day of putting some weight on the knee. I could feel it at times but nothing excruciating.

Amy called from Florida and they are spending the night at our house as they lost power on Sunday night due to the storm Debby that dropped 15 inches of rain in our area as well as had spawned several tornado's which caused wide spread damage and power outages. Our yard and roof was littered with lots of limbs and branches but was damage free, thankfully so they were cleaning up the yard for us.

Well that's about it for today except the temps are supposed to be only in the low 70's the next couple of days and then climb to the 90's for the weekend when Amy and her family are due up for a week, Oh well!!! LATER 

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