Monday, June 4, 2012


Wow another beautiful day with the temps not much out of the 60's and the morning started with a low of 50 at 7:30, wow I'm getting use to sleeping in once again of course I needed the extra hour or so after walking up and down this tilted property. After my quiet time and a cup of hot green tea I headed out to check on the gardens while Nancy made a hearty breakfast of buckwheat cakes with a banana in the batter and of course I had molasses on mine, a couple home grown cackle berries and a Jimmy Dean sausage patty, Yikes was that ever good eatin' with glass of V-8 to wash it down.

I headed to the top of the mountain to work up a patch of ground  to plant sweet corn. I started about 9 AM and finished a little after 3. What a job that was and even in the cool temps I had a soaked t-shirt with sweat. That rotor-tiller worked me real good especially with all the rocks I was turning loose and once again it was tilted property which added to the wrestling of this machine. Thanks to neighbor Joe(of the Hatfield lineage) who came and saved me with his help and even brought me lunch. We got this patch worked up, clearing lots of rocks, briar's and weeds and then layed it off for several rows of sweet corn. He brought his large fake snake and then we hung empty white Wal-Mart bags across the plantings on twine to help deter the pesky crows who like to scratch in the ground looking for seeds to eat.

Nancy stayed home and made a huge pot of homemade vegetable soup and then she invited our "mountain mom" Helen and her brother Joe for supper along with cornbread muffins. We also had a taste of some of my homemade blackberry wine which the berry's came from her property. It was a superb supper on this cool but pleasant day. After they headed for home and the clean up we rode down on the golf cart to Russ and Linda cabin to see their new accomplishments as he is installing central heat and air as well as getting their counter tops installed. Looks like they will leave on Thursday to head back to Ohio. They blessed us with a cheese cutting board and knife for painting their bathroom last fall. Keep Linda in your thoughts and prayers as she is still having brain problems due to a spinal cord fluid leakage. She is due for another surgery in the near future.

Well it was a fun day for me as I love the physical effort in turning a piece of unused ground into a viable venue for some delicious sweet corn. Tomorrow its a day off as we have to go to Galax to pick up Nancy's new prescription glasses, LATER

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