Sunday, May 22, 2011


Well it was just a beautiful day here in N.C. There was plenty of sunshine yet just enough clouds to keep it comfortable as we worked in the yard and garden after church. Speaking of church it was so good to see all of our mountain friends once again after nearly 7 months. There was lots of hugs, handshakes and "we are glad your back home" again well wishers. There was a good crowd of about 175 to 200 folks at the service and afterwards we stopped off at Kerr drugs for a few things and the vegetable stand for fresh tomato's, squash and barbegue sauce. They sell Sonny's sauce as cheap as we buy it at Sams.

We got home and ate some leftover sandwiches from the rip before heading out to work in the yard. I weed whacked around the flower beds so Nancy could weed them without having to be in the tall grass. I then got the roto tiller and started on the upper garden then moved down to the 2 herb garden before tackling the large lower garden. I did all of them in about 3 hours but left me assure you that thing will give you a workout especially on the hilly beds. I got a better workout than if I had been playing pickle ball for 3 hours. The ground had just a little dampness and I wanted it to dry a little before planting the seedlings so I cranked up the riding mower, besides I needed a break so mowing was just that as I got to sit down. I mowed on the highest setting and then had to mow the same area 3-4 times because the grass was knee high at least or more. I only did the front yard as I wanted to set out some seedlings after supper.

Nancy did some beer battered fish in the oven along with yellow rice and some canned turnip greens. After supper I set out; basil, thymn, jalenpeno peppers, yellow peppers, dill, rosemary, cilantro, collards, Swiss chard, cucumber, yellow squash and zucchini squash, and 4 types of tomato plants before it started to sprinkle, plus it was starting to get dark. I still have more seedlings to set out tomorrow. I counted 20 hills of potato's I had planted last Novemeber and they were about a foot tall.

After I came in I took the kitchen faucett apart and tightened the seats and stopped the leakage flow so now we are back in business with the use of the sink once again. After fixing the sink I jumped in the shower as a thunder storm was heading our way. We got a nice rain and its still falling softly on the tin roof. Sure hope it doesn't wash out my new seedlings, anyhow it was a full day and we are bushed, LATER

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