Monday, June 1, 2009

Saturday, Sunday and Monday

Well as you have noticed I didn't write for a couple of days because I COULDN'T GET ON LINE. This stone age system or repairs is not worth the price I pay but that's all there is so I'm frustrated.

Enough venting for now. Saturday was absolutely gorgeous with cool morning temp's of 52 and bright warm sunshine afternoon near 75. Nancy and I stayed at home all day working. I finally got some garden planted as the soil is well drained. I planted 1/2 runner green beans, pole beans, beets, squash(zucchini & yellow), cukes, radishes and sun flowers. I already have green onions up as well as radishes. I repotted my tomato seedlings, peppers, kale and lettuce. I sat out about 25 marigold seedlings as well as Rosemary and Cilantro. Saturday Nancy fixed some collard greens (I brought from my Fl. garden), pork chop and baked sweet potato.

Sunday morning we awakened about 4 AM with a severe storm. Lightning and high winds accompanied a torrential downpour. The folks on top of the mountain lost power but all we lost was the Internet for 2 days. We worshipped at Cornerstone for the first time in nearly 7 months. Was it ever great to renew old friendships with lots of hugs and handshakes. After a super praise and worship service of nearly 2 hours we stopped off at the Dalton household to gander at their new mini-horse as well their other 11 horses. Andy and Caleb gave us 4 nice frozen trout which we ate tonight for dinner. Yeow that is great eating, Thanks guys.

I went over to our neighbor Ray who is having some tough health issues as well as a broken mower. I rode the rider over and took care of his yard in just over an hour. That put a smile on his face. Sunday evening for dinner Nancy fried up a couple white eggplant(I brought from my Fl. garden) and made a nice garden salad.

Monday morning found me slipping down to visit next door neighbor Gerald. The last 2 of the Red Hawk Riders (Gerald's relatives)were getting ready to head out for their homes. The weather on the Blue Ridge Parkway was a beautiful place to ride motors this weekend. I borrowed Gerald's scaffolding as I wanted to treat the mildew that had accumulated on all the outside walls and boards. I was 2 rounds up and standing on a 12 ft ladder as well. Wow did that scaffolding ever make it safer to be that high up spraying bleach on all the wood surfaces.

I got just about finished all except for moving the scaffolding to the side deck so I can do that peak.Wow let me assure you I feel much safer than on a 30 feet ladder. Thanks Gerald for the use of your equipment and how to set it up properly.

After dinner Nancy and I took a ride over to Kimberly and Eddie's to pick up some plants Kimberly was thinning out and of course I picked up 6 5 gallon buckets of horse manure for my compost pile The earthworms just love this diet and I get it fresh from the horses. No fillers as its all organic.

We got back just before dark and had enough time to set these 3- 5 gallon buckets of plants out before dark.What a day I have only sat down to eat lunch and drive over the Kimberly's after supper. My knees are so sore from all this walking up and down the hills, stairs and today ladder and scaffolding. No afternoon naps or book reading here. I'm just whupped as I can barely finish this piece. Later.

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