Thursday, January 29, 2009


The day started out as usual with my quiet time and a breakfast with lots of fruit(banana,blueberries and strawberries) on my Cheerios. I pedaled to the Rec. with just a t-shirt and shorts on as it was that warm. I got in about 3 plus hours of pickle ball as there was a health fair being held at the Rec. and of course physical exercise is a must for good health so I was asked to hang around and put on a pickle ball demonstration with several of our players. We had 2 new ladies who got caught up in the game and actually played with us for about an hour.

I got home around 11:30 just in time to have lunch with Amy, Ava and Nancy. Ava stayed and played until about 3 PM before heading out to take her afternoon nap. Tomorrow Bobby, Jill and Annsley are coming for lunch so the girls will get to play for a couple hours. The rain started about the time Amy left and rained for a couple hours. A nice soft soaking rain which was much needed.

Well Nancy fixed broiled Italian sausages, baked sweet potato's and broccoli for dinner. Another one of her good meals. Tomorrow I'm smoking beer in the rear chickens for dinner as we will celebrate a belated birthday dinner for Tyler.

Better go for now, Later!

1 comment:

DJ & Jenny Carlson said...

You really should consider quitting smoking (ha ha!)Have fun and tell everyone hello! We call it beer butt chicken. Yummy stuff!