Sunday, January 18, 2009

Saturday and Sunday

Well it was quite chilly Saturday morning with temps. down in the 30's but no frost or freeze. I'm sure glad of that as beans and 'maters are starting to come in. After our usual quiet time Nancy made blueberry buckwheat pancakes with ham. Very good eatin' and I finished the last 2 cakes this morning before we headed out to Element for worship. They were the last item to be micro waved in our oven as all of a sudden it stopped working altogether. The past 2 days it has come on for a few seconds by itself so either there is a short in the electrical circuit or it just plumb wore out. It's an over the stove type that fastens to the wall within the cabinets. Not an easy thing to change as I changed this one out about 10 years ago.
Saturday afternoon found Nancy and I on a 4 mile walk as the afternoon was just beautiful with temp's in the high 60's and bright sunshine. We had her mom and dad(GG & Pap) over for supper. Nancy fixed a fresh garden salad, meatloaf, baked sweet potato's and squash casserole. Very good comfort food. We played domino's and I won on the last round.

Sunday found us at Element Church in Tampa then off to Bob, Jill and Annsley for the rest of the afternoon. Bob had a lamb shoulder baking in the oven with his special sauce. Nancy brought fresh green beans from the garden as well as a fresh salad and a layered taco dip to munch on before hand. We also had garlic smashed red spuds. We brought Annsley her wagon Christmas present as the handle(tongue) finally came in an I attached it to the rest of the body. We ate lunch/dinner around 3:30 or so, then took a walk/wagon ride through the neighborhood during half time of the Cardinal/Eagle game. Go Curt Warner and the Cardinal's. We left Bob's just before dark.

We got to love up on Annsley and she was very excited about her new wagon. She loved opening the side door and kept getting in an out of the wagon. Well it was another beautiful day with bright sunshine and temps once again warming up to the low 70's. Wow to those who live in Pittsburgh with all that cold and snow. We had a hard time with the temps here in the 40's. I remember playing high school football in the cold weather and believe me it wasn't all that much fun. Well will close for now. Enclosed are a few pics of the grand girls. LATER.

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