Friday, January 2, 2009

Friday is an Absolutely Beautiful Day

Well after my quiet time, Cheerios and a banana for breakfast I jumped on the bike and headed to the Rec. We (12 players) got in 2 plus hours of hard play. There were lots of wet shirts. I then did about 15 minutes of crunches and weight workout before heading home. We were expecting our old friend Daisy and her new beau, Robb for a visit and to have lunch with us. I managed to pick a few 1/2 runner beans and feed all my plants as well as give them a good watering before Daisy showed up.Nancy had also invited Carol down for lunch as well.

We had a nice visit with Daisy and thoroughly enjoyed her new friend Robb as well. Daisy looked great and we always enjoy her visits. Since she moved away to Wesley Chapel a couple years ago we seldom see or get to visit with her. After a great lunch we retired to the back yard and I took them on a tour of my garden. Robb said his dad who is in his 90's also is quite a gardener. I loaded them up with some fresh picked mustard greens and tangerines.They both raved about the fresh garden salad, most of which I grew except for the tomato's. Speaking of tomato's mine are starting to turn as I write this so by this time next week I hope to be slicing a home grown 'mater. Oh well, one can only have visions of fresh 'maters on pumpernickel with a slice of vidalia and mayo.

I took off for TIA(Tampa international airport) and picked up our neighbors daughter and son-in-law around 2:30. Toni and Mark were flying in from Detroit where the temp's were in the 20's when they left and a warm cheery 70 + when they arrived. Welcome to Florida!!! They will be here for 2 weeks and we usually get together and play cards a couple nights while they are here.

Well we finished the hoagies and Zuppa soup for dinner tonight.So far I have layed off desserts for 3 days and going strong; no brownies, cheese cakes or chips.
Bobby tried to put Annsley's wagon(a Christmas present from us) and there was no tongue in the box so I called the company and they are going to Fed Ex one to me right way. Yea for that company. I put the wagon together this evening and its ready to go except for the tongue.

Well I will close for the day, sure seems like a Monday for some reason. Everyone have a great week end. Later!!
Enclosed are a few pics from G/G's house and family dinner on New Years Day. If you noticed the girls are dancing and having a grand time

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