Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Monday on Tuesday

Well Monday was cloudy to start with a little sunshine in the afternoon. The morning was a usual head out to the Rec. after my quiet time and a lite breakfast. It was pleasant temperature wise, however that has changed a bunch today,Tuesday(I'll report on that later). We had a good turn out for pickle ball with about 12 players for about 2 hours plus. Afterwards I did 30 minutes on the elliptical, 50 crunches and bunches of heavy weights for the arms and shoulders. I then stopped by the library and picked up a couple books for the rest of the day.

Amy and Ava came for lunch, Nancy got back from shopping and we had a great lunch. Afterwards Ava and myself worked out in the garden then it was time for her to head off for her afternoon nap.I almost forgot when I was leaving the library a young man in his 30's came up to me and ask me if I was a trooper. Right a way at first I became a little wary after acknowledging that I was a trooper albeit retired. He said I investigated a crash he was involved in about 10 years ago and he said he would never forget my face; even though he said the crash was his fault he remembered my professionalism and the investigation. He was most sincere in his making my acquaintance after such a time. I left with a good feeling that I had made a difference in the respect for the FHP and myself.

Nancy made a great dinner last night using my first picking from the pole beans(green beans) I'm growing in my garden. She sauteed fresh garlic, onions with cubed chicken breasts in olive oil then eventually added bamboo shoots and hearts then thickened with a little corn starch. The beans were par-boiled(crispy) then mixed into the batch with soy sauce and terriyaki sauce. This is then spooned over a bed of white and dark rice. YOEW is that ever good!!! I finished the last of it for lunch today.

After dinner our neighbors daughter and husband came over for card games. They are visiting from cold Michigan for 2 weeks. They have to leave this Saturday and the weather back there is frigid. YUCK !!! Anyhow we had a great 3 hour visit playing several games and eventually showing them pictures of our North Carolina place and friends. Hopefully one of these days they will try to visit us as it only about 9 hours from there residence in Coldwater.

Well today is Tuesday and the overcast morning finally brought a nice soft rain but with it a cooler temperature. After the usual morning routine Amy and Ava came for lunch but we had to stay inside and read books instead picking flowers and playing outside. I can hear the sirens in the area as the roads are wet and very slippery. This type of day brings tons of fender benders. Now I just stay at home and enjoy the comforts of retirement.

Well I just finished THE LAST JUROR by John Grisham. Its a good read and I recommend it. I just started THE TRUE BELIEVER by Nickolas Sparks. Starts out as if it will keep my interest as well. Well we are going to attend a new small group in the area tonight and we are looking forward as we really miss our small group in Sparta, N.C. What a great way to make new relationships and friends.

Will close for now as Nancy is making supper; I pulled some fresh collard greens growing in the back yard. She will cook them for about 15 minutes, then fry up some bacon with onions and eventually mix them in with the collards along with oven spuds rolled in olive oil and fresh chopped rosemary and parsley. She will then pan fry or saute a couple pork chops. YUMMMM!!!!

Well will write another day. If you noticed some how our counter quit working and I can't get another to work so you will have to leave me messages to let me know your still interested in reading all of my not interesting babble. The last count I had was nearly 6000 hits since last May. I will have to get my son in law to help me hook another one. LATER!

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