Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Tuesday Morning

Well its 2 weeks from this day that we will be on the road to the mountains and we are so looking forward to that adventure once again. Cool mornings, quiet and stillness of the cabin as well as the renewing of friendships and lots of gardening and hiking. Oh well, we are still faced with temps in the 90's here in Florida with no rain and high humidity. Monday started out much the usual with the roosters next door crowing around 5'ish in the morning. After my cup of tea, a few quiet moments  and then a smoothie made with strawberries, banana and some almond milk I started out to the rec for some 3 hours of workout. We had a nice crowd of pickle ball players and some really good play and then I headed to the weight room for some additional cardio and some heavy weights to build up my arms and shoulders.

I stopped at the library for a couple new reads that I had ordered and one was titled WILD by Cheryl Strayer. It's a great read about a gal who hikes the Pacific Coast Trail alone from Mexico north through the Sierra Mountains in California. After the library I headed home to work in the garden and then to wash the truck as I parked under some tree overnight in Miami and it dropped flower pedals and some sap on the truck. We did hit some rain on the way north from there but not enough to wash all the sap off.

Amy and Sam picked up GG and they came for lunch. We had salad and cold cuts for sandwiches and then afterwards I retired to the reading room where I read until it was time to get ready for supper. We ate leftover Mexican food from the other night and it was delicious. After supper I headed out to the garden as the heat had somewhat abated so I pulled weeds and got it ready for some bags of leaves I have been saving to cover the garden while we are gone for the next 5-6 months. My worms love the leaves and it provides good food for them while we are gone plus it helps hold down the weeds and hold in the moisture. I had to top some of my tomato seedlings that I'm bringing to the mountain as they are almost to large to transplant. Some of them have fruit set so I need to get them in the ground as soon as possible when I get there. The 2 + days we were gone to Miami and no rain killed the cukes and just about killed the egg plants and peppers as well. They have begun to perk up somewhat with extra watering's and I should be able to bring some fruit with us for later use.

Well that's about it for Monday we did learn that Annsley is graduating pre-K on Thursday morning so we will try to make that event as its around rush hour in Tampa. That should be fun. We will bring Annsley and Gabe home with us after church on Sunday as they will spend the night with us as well. Nancy started packing up some things in tubs for us to take to the cabin so the reading room in starting to fill up. We spoke with our mountain mom and she indicated its been raining off and on for days and they are tired of this wet weather. I would imagine our grass is knee high to a light pole in the yards and gardens so we will have fun turning the place into being livable again. I'm anxious to see if the potatoes I planted last fall in November made it through the winter and have come up. Gardening is a challenge in the mountains with the clay soil and rocks but we both love it especially the beautiful flowers that come up each year and grace our place, LATER

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