Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Wednesday Morning

Wow it was cold when I rode out Tuesday morning to the rec. I know 40's isn't cold by some standards but the humidity was back and the breeze just sent the cold right to your bones at 7:30. By 10 AM it was short sleeve temp's again and stayed that way most of the day right up until about 5 o'clock when you could feel the temps dropping once again.

After my quiet time and a lite breakfast I pedalled out for over 2 hours pf pickle ball. We had a full court but several left early for various reasons so by 9:35 all but a couple were gone. I headed by the library to pick up a new read before heading home. Nancy was getting ready to run a couple errands so I worked out in the yard and gardens. The new seedlings are showing some growth so I think most all will make it. The new lettuce seeds I planted are popping through the ground and the basil seedlings have put on a new leaf as well. I'm still waiting on some seeds I took from one of Bobby's tomato to come up. He has some of the sweetest patio size tomatoes which look like Roma's in shape but about a 1/3 of their size. They are the best tasting small tomato so I'm hoping I can get them to grow here. They came up volunteer in his garden the past 2 years and just produce unbelievable amount of fruit.

Amy decided since Tyler was working from his office at home and that it was their 8th wedding anniversary she would not come for lunch today, so when Nancy got back from her errands I made a guacamole. I took 2 ripe avocado's, 6 cloves of garlic( I grew in the mountains), 1 lime, a bunch of cilantro(from the graden), 1 sweet onion, 1 ripe tomato and a tablespoon of olive oil; yeow was that ever delicious and we ate that on tortilla chips for our lunch.

We sat out in the back yard in the sunshine for a couple hours reading; alternating occasionally for the shade of the big oak as the sun was hot. I sauteed a large bunch of Swiss Chard cut fresh from the garden for our supper to go along with a fresh garden salad and grilled salmon; yeow once again we ate "high on the hog". That's an old country saying for eatin' good. After the clean up we headed in to watch the news then I headed for the bedroom as the Tampa Bay Lightning were playing the Flyers. They lost by one goal in the later stages of the game as well as did #2 Florida Gators in round ball against the Razorbacks big time. I now must change my mind set from football to college basketball and hockey until next summer.

Well that's about all that's going on in sunny Florida today. We are fore casted for 80's the rest of the week and only a possibility of some rain. Seems we are getting back to the drought conditions once again. My little shallow well seems to have plenty of water thus far, LATER

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