Thursday, February 21, 2013

Thursday Morning

Well Wednesday turned out to be once more another beautiful day with spring like temps. There were some high clouds which kept the temps down into the middle 70's but splendid after a cloudy drizzle early morning start. The roosters were in form with early morning crowing so I was up at 6:15 and on the computer writing this post with a cup of hot green tea. Our grand kids I hope will one day read these posts and learn what we were all about on a daily basis.

After a grapefruit for breakfast I pedalled out for what turned out to be nearly 2 1/2 hours of pickle ball. It seems the caliber of play has gone up with most all the players as well as some of the temperament of a couple of the guys. There are a couple guys who show such disdain for some of the weaker players and even refuse to play with them at times, oh well. We had a good turnout and for most of the morning there were great rallies and good matches.

I came home to work in the garden while Nancy was at Dr. Beirl's office for more dental work. I must say he is one fine dentist and he and his staff quickly become your friend as well. We got to know him through our once next door neighbor who is his hygienist. I picked more tomatoes, then watered and fed my new seedlings as well as the whole garden. It's still producing tons of good things to eat.

I got in touch via Face Book a couple of my USAF buddies about validating my many missions into Vietnam during my career as a loadmaster on a C-141A aircraft. I even spoke with my old NCOIC(non-commisioned officer in charge), Boston Sizemore who is up into his 80's, and he remembered me as well after all these years and said he would also write a letter for me. It's a darn shame the military failed to recognize my war time service on my discharge DD214, but the VA is now going to assist me in that correction along with my "buddy letters" that attest to the fact we all flew into the war zone. Seems many of the young airmen have faced the same problem I'm facing when signing up for a registry for the Agent Orange exposure that occurred during the Vietnam War.

Well since we had no one for lunch but Nancy and I we took off afterwards to run some errands at Home Depot and Sam's Club. We shopped then stopped off to bring some goodies to GG and visit for awhile before heading home. It was after 4 by the time we got back and unloaded. We decided to finish the delicious deer chili and Cole slaw for supper so that was easy and not much involved. After the cleanup it was Fox News time then Nancy switched to the Idol while I ventured between commercials to O'Reilly. It wasn't long after that and my shower until it was lights out for me, LATER

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