Monday, February 25, 2013

Monday Morning

Well Sunday started out with warm humid temperatures so much so the a/c is on full time once again. It's amazing that blizzard conditions are raging in the middle of the country and cold temps are blanketing the northern half of the nation, while here in Florida it has turned very warm and muggy. It's not HOT, HOT yet but the lows over night are in the high 60's to low 70's. All of the trees have the fuzzies and many trees are completely leafed out and its still February, oh well.

The morning started with the usual rooster wake up around 5:30 but we managed with the windows closed to stay in bed until 6:30 before rolling out. We did our quiet times, then the lite breakfast before getting ready for our ride to Tampa for worship with our son at Element Church. Dan and Carole carpooled with us and we had a jolly time with their company. The message once again was inspiring and right on point with our relationship and intimacy with the LORD. The music was "bless your heart"style.

 Shortly after the service we headed out for Seminole as Dan was delivering a message at a church service in the early afternoon at the local nursing home. We heated up a frozen pizza for lunch before accompanying Dan to assist with pushing wheelchairs to the service. We saw many old familiar faces even one from our neighborhood who is recovering from back surgery and many from our old church. Mainly these elderly are so incapacitated and have no family that this becomes their last stop in life. Tyler our son in law was also there and he helps leads the music as this is an out reach from our old church where Amy and Tyler attend.

After getting back from the nursing home I tuned into the Daytonia 500 and it was a pretty good race right up to the end; while I like for the Fords to win at least the Lowes car and Jimmy Johnson are great competitors. Nancy headed off to pick up GG and bring her over for supper. We were having venison tacos and guacamole dip and wow what a delicious meal and rather lite as well. I used lots of fresh cilantro, dill, thyme  as well as peppers, tomatoes and green scallions from the garden. I retreated after the cleanup to the reading room and computer while Nancy drove GG home. That was about it for the evening, LATER

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