Saturday, February 16, 2013

Saturday Morning

Well Friday started with overcast skies which eventually by the afternoon once more saw sunshine and temps into the middle 60's. The ground stayed damp so it was the first day I hadn't hand watered in quite a spell. The morning started out with the dueling roosters around 6 AM. I lingered until 6:30 then started the day with my usual cup of tea, quiet time and then a lite breakfast before pedalling out to the rec for some 2 1/2 hours of pickle ball. We had a good crowd so the play was fast and continuous and lots of wet shirts. We will miss PB play on Monday as its a holiday.

After PB I headed home to piddle around in the garden; pulling weeds and feeding some of the new seedlings. The plants really loved that nice soaking rain. I found where I have 5 small egg plants on the 3 plants. There is nothing quite as tasty as fried egg plant, yeow!!! All of the new lettuce and tomato seedlings have added another leaf almost overnight. The cukes are blooming like crazy as well as are the sugar peas. Since I didn't have to hand water I decided to turn over the soil in the areas where I had lettuce growing and the fishin' worms were everywhere; they are the best soil fertilizer ever.

Nancy was at her Bible study and Amy and Sam weren't coming for lunch so it was quiet around here. I finished KILLING KENNEDY and what an awesome read. There is so much history in this book as well as some very interesting tidbits about the power brokers that were in D.C. This book along with KILLING LINCOLN should be a mandatory read for all students in high school and college. Excellent reading as well.

Well I decided to tackle the taxes for 2012 and spent the next 4-5 hours getting everything ready and then E-filed on line. I like turbo tax and its reasonable as well especially when itemizing; plus I managed a small refund as well. Nancy took her mother grocery shopping then headed to the rec for her workout. I got in a couple phone calls to Paw Paw and Uncle Junior. Paw Paw said Uncle Junior has been having some health issues so we decided to ring him up for a chat. He sounded good and didn't seem to be overly concerned about his health. It had been awhile since we last made contact with one another. Paw Paw sounded good and he and his friend Adeline were down to his Winchester house for the night.

We decided to have fried  Swaii(fish) for supper to go along with rice and sweet peas and I must say that is the best fried fish ever. It's a type of catfish but very mild. After the clean up we headed in to watch Fox News then retreated to our respective tubes to flip channels. I like the Friday night fights as well as the gold mining shows and of course Nancy is into HGTV, LATER

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