Thursday, February 28, 2013

Thursday Morning

Well Wednesday started out much the usual with a wake up crow from the feathered critters next door, they sure start early. I've become so accustomed to be awake at 5:30 that's is very difficult to linger in the sack. I won't know how to act when we get back to the cabin as sometime we stay in bed until after 8 AM, ahh!!!  Anyhow after my few quiet moment, a cup of hot green tea and a lite breakfast I got ready to pedal out to the rec for some 2 plus hours of pickle ball. It had cooled down a little from the previous mornings but still was t-shirt and shorts temps.

We had a smaller crowd to start with but eventually several late comers made for some good continuous play. A few of the guys decided to check out another facility to see how their players played. We have played most of their good players at one time or another in the Good Life Games and our players have usually beat them. After PB I headed home to work outside the rest of the morning and most of the afternoon.

I transplants several Bib and Romaine lettuce seedling but first I had to turn over the ground and get it ready. That was done with a hand shovel; thankfully Florida has no rocks to contend with like the gardens in the mountains. I then transplanted my small green scallions into to the garden as well as set out several hills of tomato plants. Most of these new tomato plants went into the side garden where I had to get it ready for planting as well. I kept busy right up to lunch time.

Nancy was off to the hair dresser after her workout at the rec and then she was to shop at Sam's and stop off at her mothers on the way home. After a salad for lunch I headed back out to the garden. I noticed where fruit rats are once again attacking my plants. Seems last night they munched on 3 egg plants as well as bit into several tomato's. I have D-con out but will have to set rat traps baited with peanut butter tonight. I took a rest and sat out under the big oak in the back yard and read for awhile before a neighbor from the mountains called about her health.

She remembered Nancy talking about how amalgam filings that were placed in grand daughter Ava's teeth caused her so much discomfort and personality change. Shirley has been having all kinds of health issues and after all kinds of tests the doctors were unable to render a diagnosis. She is over menopause so that was ruled out and she thought maybe the filings which she said has been in her mouth for 40 years or more maybe the culprit. Well we shared what our dentist is doing with all of our amalgam's and how those filings are causing the teeth to crack and even break off. While mercury has probably leeched out after all these years once the tooth breaks off I'm sure some of the residual mercury can be released back into the blood stream. We shared there is a substance called chlorella that can be ingested that will bond with the mercury and then be excreted. She sounded at a loss of what to do or what was causing all of the maladies she is suffering with.

Well I picked fresh snow peas(sugar) and along with fresh mushrooms, celery, garlic, onions, peppers, cabbage and we made a stir fry with chicken and put that over Jasmine rice for supper. Wow are we ever eatin' healthy. We got word that Uncle Junior is doing great after his open heart surgery on Monday; already up and walking in the hospital just 2 days afterwards. That's great especially at his age of nearly 80. Well after the clean up from supper we tuned into the Fox News and then to the Idol. I headed for the bedroom where I could flip and get in some of O'Reilly between the actual contestants singing. I can't take a couple of the judges as their ranting and remarks are so way out there. We watched Duck Dynasty's first 2 new shows for this season and they are such a hoot. Well that's about it for Wednesday; we missed seeing Amy, Sam and GG today. Nancy is taking GG to run her errands today and then all will come here for lunch. I have a few more small jobs in the yard after pickle ball, LATER

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