Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Tuesday Morning

Well Monday turned out once again to be another warm and muggy day; thankfully a strong breeze kept it bearable. After my quiet moments and a lite breakfast I pedalled out to the rec for another good 2 plus hours of pickle ball. We had a huge crowd today with 3 nets going and several waiting to get on. There were lots of wet shirts today. After the workout I headed home to work in the garden.

Amy, GG and Sam were coming for lunch so I cut the last 2 heads of bib lettuce as well as romaine and Simpson, along with some kale and a head of cabbage. I cleaned the lettuces and Nancy made the salad. I also picked a nice mess of green beans, a handful of half runners as well and a nice mess of snow peas. Nancy had bought a huge egg plant so we got that really to fry for lunch. Tyler doesn't care for that veggie and Amy loves egg plant as do we and GG. I picked fresh cilantro, basil and thyme to garnish the egg plant and wow was it delicious. We ate it right out of the frying pan. The girls had a salad to go along with the fried egg plant but I ate some leftover Cole slaw.

After the clean up they all headed to the back yard and I headed on the Internet as I'm still trying to run down old air force buddies to write me buddy letters about my service in Vietnam. I received one letter today and now I have 2 and hopefully a couple more on the way. I'm going to try the finance department at USAF tomorrow  to see if any of my old pay records are still available as that would indicate combat pay as well as not paying income taxes during the war. Hopefully those records are still available and will generate some evidence of being in Vietnam during those years.

Well after Nancy got back from her workout at the rec we loaded up the lawn mower and headed over to GG's to mow and suck up her leaves from the oak tree. We gathered up 4  big bags of oak leaves and then I fixed her mailbox as it had come loose from its mooring. GG had a pot of beef-a-roni cooking so she invited us to stay, visit then eat with her. After that cleanup we headed out around 6:30 for home after a detour to CVS for a couple of prescription refills for Nancy. It was close to dark by the time we got home.

I finished the Grisham book then settled in to the Alaskan State Troopers show. They have some really weather issues there. It wasn't long afterwards until it was close to lights out. I almost forgot to mention by Uncle Junior went in for open heart surgery on Monday for a triple by-pass. Keep him and his family in your thoughts and prayers as he is 79, LATER

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