Saturday, February 9, 2013

Saturday Morning

Well Friday turned out to be another spring like day with some high clouds but with temps into the middle 70's. It felt like a cabin morning as I pedalled out on my bike to the rec for a good 2 1/2 hours of pickle ball after my quiet time and a lite breakfast. What a great workout I had with 2 courts going and a few waiting to get on to play. It was a wet t-shirt morning for me. I headed on home afterwards to spent the next couple hours working in the garden as Nancy was at her Friday morning Bible study at our old church at SFBC.

Nancy got home a little after 12 and I settled down to a lunch of fresh made Caesar salad but she opted for the regular salad. After lunch she took off to pick up GG and take her to Home Depot where they could look for paint and tile to finish up her kitchen remodel. It seems the new cabinets and appliances are installed and just a few finishing touches are all that is left. I read most of the afternoon and piddled around the yard and garden. We were having Ava and Sam spend the night so we had plenty of Thursday dinner leftover and all we had to do was heat it up. The kids ate it up and I licked the platter clean as it was that good.

Well Nancy played Go Fish and Old Maids and entertained the kiddos while I showered then I read 10 plus books for Sam while Ava and Nancy watched some show then they both watched Avonlee after their baths before bedtime. They slept all night and the rooster woke them this morning around 7 AM. A good time was had by all, LATER

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