Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Brrr is the key word for the day. It was so warm under the covers this morning that we stayed in until after 8 AM. We put another blanket on the bed last night and with the flannel sheets and 3 other quilts it was quite snug and warm. The wind blew so hard again last night we were amazed that no trees were down on the property. We did lose every leaf from the yards as the wind gusts of 50 plus at times cleared them away into the woods. It did finally reach a high of 35 and almost all day we had snow flurries. After our quiet times we had a breakfast of eggs and grits.

I bundled up with shirts, sweaters and hoodies before heading out to check on the cabin. I was needing some physical activity so I carried all of the porch furniture down to the shed as well as took out the battery on the riding mower and stored it in the basement. After clearing the porches I picked up 6 buckets of pine cones and then raked the front yard of pine needles. Nancy finally ventured outside so we took off to the mailbox on foot. That was our hike for the day and with it our noses turned red and dripped. After that hike we had a lite lunch and Nancy didn't leave the inside of the cabin for the rest of the day.

I headed back out after lunch and once again the snow flurries resumed. It seemed the wind calmed down from strong gusts to a steady blow which dropped the wind chill into the 20's. I loaded up my blueberry bushes with dead pine needles and after about another hour of the wind, cold and snow flurries I too decided to spend the rest of the afternoon and evening inside the cabin hugging the gas heater.

Nancy put together a super pot of chili along with cornbread muffins. Yeow did that fare ever fit the day. Tomorrow isn't supposed to be quite as cold and the winds are supposed to die down somewhat as well. I found the water in my rain barrel had a thin sheet of ice on top, yikes!!!! I see where Florida had temps into the high 50's this AM and that parts of W.Va. had some major snow fall, LATER

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