Sunday, March 11, 2012


Well it was another busy day with lots going on after the early morning crow off with Chester and his buddy in the garage. I hope to beat him up tomorrow as DST kicks in. After my quiet time and a couple poached eggs over a bowl of grits I started the morning. It was overcast as a front came through during the night but no rain. The temps had dropped back into the 60's overnight which made for good working conditions as I started on plastering or stuccoing the back wall. It was about 30 or so square feet that needed to be redone but it was low down to the ground so it was all back breaking work. Well after a couple hours I had the scratch coat on and it looked as if it was going to hold. I really gave it a coat of liquid bonding agent on Friday and gave it the rest of the day to dry, hopefully this will cause the stucco to adhere. I need to give it another finish coat and that project will just need painting in a couple weeks to match up with the rest of the house.

Nancy was busy making Tortilla soup to go along with Zuppa soup she is having on Sunday evening as we celebrate Jill's birthday. Everyone gets to choose what they want for their birthday supper and she chose Zuppa. That is great as I have beautiful Kale growing in the garden as well as a new batch of lettuces for a fresh garden salad. That and crusty bread should fill the bill along with a carrot cake and frozen custard. Yumm sounds like another great feed!!!

Nancy took off to drive her mother to the store and the library while I worked in the garden. We had lunch together then we drove GG home and headed for Home Depot again as I needed a new 3-way lamp switch that broke, also some weather seal for the back kitchen door and some a/c filters. She found a large straw hat which covers her face from the sun as she still is having some problems with her burning lips. Amy and the gang came by on their way home from POW WOW. Tyler had shown some interest in wood working so we loaded up my Delta table saw from the back shed and hauled it over to his house as he now has a great outside work/storage shed. Its big enough for a truck to enter. I haven't used it in a couple years and it was starting to rust up, its still works as its a commercial grade saw and maybe he will give it some use. I'm through making furniture in Florida.

I finally sat down about 5 PM and watched Florida State beat my second favorite team Duke in a close game, they will play N.C. on Sunday for the ACC championship. I grilled a couple chicken breast and we put that over a great fresh garden salad loaded with fresh basil, yikes was that ever dewisheous. After the clean up we headed out for good 45 minute walk and got back just at dark. It was a great evening and Nancy actually put a lite jacket on as the wind was coming from the north.

Well tomorrow is Sunday and remember to set your clocks up an hour earlier than usual and don't forget to worship where ever you are. Pray for our nation and the idiots that are running it as we have been sold a fake bill of goods, LATER

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