Thursday, November 3, 2011


It was another magnificent weather day in sunny Florida, temps stayed around the high 70's mark with a nice gentle breeze and tons of sunshine. The morning was much the usual; quiet time, bowl of oatmeal and a ride to the rec for a couple hours of pickle ball. Afterwards I headed home to work in the garden. Wow does the garden love this weather as its really starting to show growth and finally some color.

Nancy headed out for her walk to and from the rec and then did 30 minutes on the treadmill. We had an early lunch as she had to pick up her mom and drive her to the rehab at noon. Her dad is about the same but at least he is doing some PT but still can't stand or walk by himself alone, so there is much to be done before he can come home.

We decided to cancel house church tonight as most of the gang was on a cruise to the Caribbean so Nancy and I took a nice long walk in the 'hood after a supper of fried smoked ham, sweet potato and Brussels sprouts in Dijon mustard, wow was that ever some good eatin'. We love the sprouts and are glad they are back in season as they are a cooler weather plant much like kale, spinach,etc.

Not much is a happening down here except we sure miss the mountains and we both daily check Ray's for a live web cam look from the Roaring Gap club house. The pictures of the leaves are just gorgeous this year and we reflect back on the first Fall we were able to spend at the cabin and how beautiful the leaves were surrounding our place that year. I think this year from the pictures we have seen of the leaves are much like that year. Our heart aches for that ambiance.

Well we watched Survivor and then I read until it was time to turn the lights for the night. We still have NO phone and its been since Sunday when I reported there was no dial tone on the line. We have seen no one from Verizon in the hood so I'm getting aggravated. Surely we will get something done before the weekend, LATER

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