Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Well not much happened today except the usual fowl wake up, my quiet times before a bowl of oatmeal then a ride out to the rec for a couple hours of pickle ball. I did afterwards head into the game room and played a couple sets of ping pong and won both before relinquishing my paddle to another fresher player. I stopped off at the library before heading home to work in the garden. Bobby had a couple bales of hay left at the church from a Halloween get together they had for the kids so I brought them home and mulched them in and around my plants.

Amy and the kids came for lunch so I finished the left over chili then took the kids out into the back yard to play. It was rather warm and sticky so Ava headed in but Sam and I stayed out and I found him a grub so he played with that and then the rooster, they are so cute together. Its like they are pals now and I seem to have lessen my thoughts about wanting to roast or smoke him. He is a pretty thing; checkered black and white and right good size.

Nancy took off to pick up her mom and head to the medical supply store and then to rehab for the afternoon as we get ready in our minds to have her dad back at their residence starting Wednesday afternoon. He is by no means capable of being there with just the two of them and he refuses to go into an assisted living, but we will do what we can. I'm amazed he has survived all that he has been through the past several months, but he is determined to come home and he even thinks he will drive again, Oh well!!!

We ate the left over pork roast with some white rice and gravy for supper and I sauteed some fresh collards with fresh garlic in olive oil, wow was that ever tasty; not nearly as good as Swiss chard but good. My chard is coming on and by next week we should be eating that as well. The radish seeds I planted on Saturday are poking through the ground despite the squirrels digging in the row. I'm really curious to see if we get any radishes this time because of the sowing by the moon signs. I have done it before but wasn't completely convinced but if it works this time I will be a believer.

Nancy and Amy took off after supper to the mall for Christmas presents for the grand babies as several of the stores had coupons in the paper, she was gone until nearly 10 PM. I had a nice long chat with Shirley Heglar who is one of our mountain neighbors, her grand daughter Josie is having some unknown problems with the roof of her mouth so she will have that operated on over the holidays. We talked for nearly an hour. They haven't been back up since we left in October as well as they live down off the mountain.

Well it still hot and sticky here but the garden loves this weather as the 1/2 runner beans are really starting to climb and just loaded with blooms. We should have plenty of beans for Christmas Day dinner and the tomato's are loaded with lots of blooms as well and a few small green ones as well. The peppers are setting fruit and the cabbages are starting ball up in the middle along with tons of cuke blooms.

Gals and guys don't let this Artistry Products special pass you up because the savings are really real. This only happens once or so a year and it comes from our team leaders only. Give us a look at our store at Amway.com/JNTriplett I've decided to use any profits to assist with a youth house that is for runaway and abused girls. We can always use your help as well. LATER

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