Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Once again another beautiful day with warm temps and low humidity. A gentle breeze kept it nice for outside work and play. The morning was much the usual with an early morning "fowl" wake up, my quiet times, a bowl of oatmeal with a banana and blue berries before riding out to the rec on the bike for a couple hours of pickle ball. We had a full house with several returning "snowbirds" which made for 3 full courts at once and several waiting to get in. If you win on the court you stay in an play and pair up with a new pardner each game so with good play and a good pardner its likely you will stay on the courts most of the morning. Afterwards I stopped by the ping room and got a couple games in with those who play every Monday. I headed home to hand water the gardens.

Amy and the kiddos came for lunch and we had deli ham and cheese sandwiches. Nancy was still at the rehab and joined us later. Sam and I headed outside to play and work in the back yard. He found a fishing worm and played with that until it was "broke". He loves to run up and back along the side fence and the rooster chases him. They have this ritual where Sam pokes things through the chain link fence and the rooster pecks them from his hand. They are so fun to watch and Sam loves to hear it crow.

Our dear friend, Mechelle from the mountains called and we had a nice long chat.She said it looked like the ground was covered with snow this morning as the frost was heavy. All of her critters are doing well as is the family. We sure miss the great meals we share as well as all the fun games. She mentioned our small group(house church) is sponsoring a less fortunate family this year in Sparta and we are thrilled to be a part. They are having a community wide corn hole tournament to raise funds as well as food to benefit this family. Seems one child is in a wheel chair another teenager is heading down the wrong path after the mother left the family, so hopefully with a little concern and love we can make a difference in their lives.

I started a new read after the kiddos left and vegetated until it was time to water the front yard before dark. Nancy made a nice meatloaf with a scalloped turnip casserole for supper, yeow talk about good comfort food and very tasty. I'm not really liking the early darkness as it limits our after supper activities outside, oh well, LATER

A little business update; our team leaders made the month of November the month to stock up on all your ARTISTRY Products. It basically a month for gals to buy one and get another duplicate FREE. All make-up, skin care, etc products. Miss America is our spokesperson for ARTISTRY

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