Friday, November 18, 2011


Today was an exciting day filled with the joy and love that only comes with being a grand parent and a day which we saw people who are filled with the spirit of love for others manifested in doing a deed of kindness. I will explain both as I digress; but first the usual and mundane as the day started with me up before the "fowl piece" next door started his crowing and then my quiet time and the bowl of oatmeal with a banana before pedaling out to the rec for some 2 plus hours of pickle ball. Wow did we ever have a workout with some great games and lots of wet shirts.

It rained while I was at the rec so I didn't have to water the garden when I got home from a quick stop at the library after pickle ball. Ava attends the Oakhurst Methodist Church School and today the kids were having their Thanksgiving program and lunch. Ava was a little Indian girl and she was just darling as well as was the other little ones dressed as turkeys and pilgrims. They did several songs and some pantomimes regarding the season and did they ever bless your heart. Afterwards we were all invited to a buffet lunch of roast turkey, stuffing, mashed potato's, gravy,green beans, corn, cranberry sauce, rolls and an assortment of desserts, wow was that ever dewicheous(Annsley). We were talking and remembered this is the church where I dear friends Roy and Helen Gray attended for years here in Seminole. Today was the first time we had ever been there and the school staff and teachers were very nice and did a tremendous job with these youngsters.

After the luncheon Tyler dropped me off with the kids to stay at our place while he worked from home and Amy and Nancy helped with the cleanup at church. The kids and I played in the back yard as the rain cleared some of the humidity out and there was a nice breeze. Sam is just so funny with the rooster next door and today I caught him petting the roosters head through the fence. He is always over by the chain link fence poking stuff through to the rooster but today I heard him giggling and that bird was letting him touch his head. I thought sure the bird would peck him but no; it just stood there as Sam played with him. So funny and I now have a little more love for the bird as well as he was very tolerant of Sam's touchings.

Remember I mention about the lady who came to our house church with some needs on Wednesday night, as she was starting a youth home for runaway girls. Well one of the needs was to have a washer and dryer fixed at one of the houses; well I called my buddy who I have know for years(actually I had stopped him for some infraction when he was a teenager and gave him a break and remembered that incident) and he now has his own small business of fixing major appliances, well he headed down to take a look at the problems and was supposed to call me regarding an estimate of the cost to repair or replace the two. Well he solved both problems and took away some old and damaged appliances that were cluttering her garage and no money changed hands, just some old fashion bartering for a worthy cause, Thank You Jerry's Appliances of Seminole.

We did a quick supper of kielbasa boiled in beer and onions along with salad for supper as we had a full compliment of food for lunch. After the cleanup Nancy took off for the rehab to visit her dad and bring her mom home. I read in between watching FOX NEWS and the Lightning hockey team put a whupping on Pittsburgh, LATER
Here are some pictures from today's luncheon program and an old photo Nancy found that she put on Face book on Veterans Day of me when I was home on leave around 1968-69 from the Air Force. Enjoy!!!

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