Saturday, November 5, 2011


Well what a change in temps for the day. The morning started out with rain so I drove to the rec after my quiet times and usual morning bowl of oatmeal with some blue berries, banana and cinnamon.After a couple hours of some great pickle ball games I headed home as Nancy needed the truck to drive her mom to the rehab. I didn't need to water as the garden was plenty wet from the early morning rain but the wind had picked up considerably. Finally the telephone repair man arrived around 11AM and it took him nearly an hour to find the contaminated wire that had shorted out in the line behind the house. He was a really a great repair man and gave us a number to call instead of going through Texas for Florida repairs and that to have to wait 5 days for repairs with out any service was not a good thing for the company. Long story short we are back in contact although we did have the Trac Phone which we used plus the Internet so we weren't without some contact.

We spoke with son Bobby and he was doing a beach wedding around sunset in our county and was bringing Annsley and Gabe by for supper and a visit. We invited Amy and her gang as well and the kids played great together. We took the 3 oldest ones to the rec playground after supper to play on the equipment until dark. Gabe stayed at home with grandma and Aunt Amy as he still has some congestion in his chest. He also had suffered a fingers in the door at home that morning and they rushed him to the emergency room for x-rays and treatment but he showed no ill effects except for some slight swelling.

Nancy made a huge pot roast with potato's and carrots in a nice beef broth which fit the bill as the temps dropped rapidly throughout the day and by dark it was in the 50's, yikes did that ever feel good and refreshing. After all the kids bath's and pj's on they headed home a little after 9 PM. What a busy day that was and we had a great time with the kiddos. Ava and Annsley are in their own realm with their princess dolls etc and of course make believe and now the boys are into trucks, trains, balls and emptying Nancy's Tupperware drawers; for some reason that's the first place they go to when coming over to play. They were so cute together and Sam is such a big boy on all the playground equipment. He and Gabe were so cute together as they both wanted be to read and play the book that makes all these sounds from fire engines, trains, cars, MC, tugboats, airplanes and helicopters. I would have thought they would get tired of that but not a chance. I was worn out after my shower and in the sack by 10:30 after reading for about 10 minutes, yikes on Friday Night!!! LATER

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