Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Well the rain was pouring down which started sometime before daybreak so that meant instead of pedaling out to the rec I had to drive, luckily Nancy didn't need the truck until later in the morning. After my quiet time and a bowl of cereal I headed out. The street in front of the house looked like a river with water ankle deep, yikes. We had a full crew today for pickle ball with 3 courts going and several waiting to get on. We play rally scoring instead of the regular scoring which speeds the game up, especially when there are others waiting to play. The winning team splits up and 2 new players come on, so that makes for faster games as you are paired with different level of expertise in each game. If your on the winning team you don't set down but continue with a new player after winning 7 points and by a margin of 2. That makes for a good fast paced scoring game and even the good occasionally have to set down even when paired with the less experienced.

I stopped by the library and picked up a new read, but first let me share the title of a must read. THE MAN WHO BROKE INTO AUSCWITZ is an amazing read so far its Denis Avery's autobiography. He is still alive and well in his advanced age of in the 90's. This read is as good as the book UNBROKEN another WWII survivor and still alive today. Avery is English and quite the chap, a must read read for all.

Well the rain stopped around 11 AM so I ventured out to check on the gardens and to see if the plants survived the torrential downpours. Amy brought Sam by while she did some school activities with Ava and Nancy had gone to drive her mom to the rehab and for a short visit with him. He isn't progressing much with his rehab at this point as he still can't stand or walk without assistance plus he is back on oxygen. He is eating better so that's a plus but there are issues with that as well.

Amy came with Ava and we had turkey and cheese sandwiches for lunch with lots of pickles and chips before the kids and I headed out front to play in the warm sunshine. The yards where still a little wet though not much as the sandy soil drains so well here in Florida. We did a long walk(for Sam's short legs) around the block and they(Ava and Sam) had a grand time picking wild flowers along the sidewalk, actually the rain caused the weeds to bloom and Ava just loves picking them, now I know why I have so many different weeds in my front yard as she deposits the flower heads there, oh well grand kids!!!

Nancy got back in time to visit and watch Avonlea with Amy before they headed home for afternoon naps. I took a power nap as well before heading back out to transplant some Swiss chard and more lettuce seedling. I just about have the garden filled with plants, now if the squirrels don't dig them up I will have enough to feed our family and neighbors as well. The Ross Family (Amy, Tyler and the kiddos) were coming for supper as I had plenty of beer can chicken leftover from Saturday night and along with tater tots, broccoli and carrots and a big salad we had a feat, yikes that chicken was awesome, now if could coax that bloody rooster into the smoker we would all be happy.

Well tonight was Trick or Treat and we had a large group of little beggars and were they ever dressed. Amy and Tyler took Ava and Sam through out our hood but this one group has several little girls and boys they were decked in their scary costumes an do course I try to make it fun by guessing what they were pretending to be. Well I guessed this one little 5-6 years girl to be a bat as she had bat wings, bat eyes and was black in color but she quickly corrected me that she was a fairy. Well Nancy thought that was the funniest thing she ever heard so now all my Face Book friends are aware of that moment; it was rather humorist. Well not much else is going here so I will close for now except to mention Monday night Football did a story on the devastation caused by tornado in Missouri(I believe) about the young man who was a high school player who lost not only his parents but suffered a broken back as well. It was a very touching moment when the quarterback of Chiefs met the young man to give him encouragement. I only saw the last few moments but it changed my perspective on Matt Castle and his role for young football players and the human side of some of the pro players. I wish I had seen the whole story, very touching. LATER

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