Friday, November 4, 2011


Well it was another sensational day with regards to the weather. Mild temps,bright blue skies and sunshine with a gentle breeze and that allows us to keep the windows open, although all we hear are sirens all day long. We had so much solitude at the cabin it was a little eerie at times, especially at night when we heard the neighbors dogs barking in the middle of the night we immediately thought of some wild animal on the prowl.

After our "fowl wake up" I did my quiet times with a spot of green tea, then a bowl of oatmeal with a banana before pedalling out to the rec for some couple hours of pickle ball. It was a lite crowd to start with with just 4 of us for nearly an hour then others straggled in and we had a crew playing constantly until noon.I had enough by 10 AM so I headed out for a library stop before heading home.

Nancy was picking GG(mom) up for a hair appointment then afterwards we had lunch together. GG had made some Greek potato salad and we shared that on top of a regular salad with some Greek dressing, Yeow was that ever dewicheous(Annsley). After lunch they took off to the rehab and I hand watered the gardens then settled in to read.

I grilled fresh Salmon and Nancy made fresh broccoli and garlic butter angel hair pasta for supper, Yeow to that as well. We ate very gourmet today or should I say "high on the hog". That's an old country boy saying and I often wondered what it meant and now I realize that's anything above the ground where the hog or pig walks; so if your a farmer or know where I came from, that's a plus.

After supper I cleaned up and Nancy took off to the rehab to drive her mom home and visit with her dad. There is some improvement as he was complaining again about everything and when that happens we know he is getting better. Well I finished another read about a sensational murder that occurred in the 1920's and the end result was electrocution for both male and female. Author Ron Hansen wrote about the "crime of the century" in a book titled A WILD SURGE OF GUILTY PASSION. Judd Gray and Ruth Snyder were complicit in the brutal murder of her husband for money and passion. Its a great read much like John Jakes who writes historical novels. A good read and a real page turner.

Well I received via Fed Ex my Ribbon Gifts today from Amway so I ventured on the Internet for some new purchases that will be delivered to my house. Wow was that not an incredible offer last month with these gift albums. I hope those of you who ordered are as satisfied as we are. We needed a couple of the items but wanted one so it worked out great for us as we bought 2 and recieved the one we wanted free. Thanks again to our generous team leaders Mel and Chris and for the bucks we are saving. Later

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