Wednesday, November 23, 2011


There was some rain during the night so everything had a good drink but with the sandy soil here in Florida it drains very quickly so by the afternoon I needed to hand water especially the leafy green plants like broccoli, kale, collards and cabbage as they wilt from the hot sun. Sam's buddy was up early this morning a little after 5 AM announcing it was time to get up; I don't know why he is so confused as it was pitch black outside.

The day started after his "fowl ruckus" as I got up and did my quiet time, then a bowl of oatmeal with fruit before heading out to the rec for 2 1/2 hours of continuous pickle ball play. We had 4 players for the first hour and we had some super play and finally a fifth showed up so we could have at least a small break at times, but we only had 6 total players for the day so it was quite a workout day. Afterwards I headed by the library before heading home.

Nancy is having all kinds of problems with her mom and dad about his health and how to care for him. He is supposed to be released(at his insistence we found out) on Wednesday but he is in no shape to be at home without some type of medical help as her mom will be overwhelmed with this responsibility and its a detriment to her health which is fairly good for 83. Nancy took her shopping and then by the house for lunch and she has lost 20 pounds due to the stress and he is not even home; I can imagine what his being home will do to her and her back as she will have to assist him in getting up from a sitting and laying positions. We are certainly hoping he will be re-evaluated tomorrow before the rehab releases him to go home. His attitude is intolerable to make matters worse, oh well!!!

Nancy was gone most of the day driving her mom around and trying to get the house ready for his arrival as I spent the afternoon on the phone lining up folks to give me estimates for guttering at the youth homes project I have become interested in helping with. Tammy the director has 2 grand children nearly the same age as Ava and Sam so we shared a little about our lives and how she got started with the homes as well. Our house church is very interested in being there for her and this project and will gladly accept any help or support shared our way. The project has non-profit status and any contributions are tax deductible. E-mail me if your serious about making any contributions and I will give you the info needed.

We had some hamburger steaks from a steer named "supper" and they were super(what a play on words); thanks once again to the Dalton's for sharing some of their grass fed steer meat and along with a fresh garden salad it was superb. After the cleanup I vegetated on the couch to FOX NEWS and then got interested in the Lightning hockey game which was a disaster as I turned it off after they were down 4-1 in the second period.

Nancy was gone again to pick up her mom at the rehab and once again was subjected to her father's rants as they voice their concern for both mom's and his health concerns. He is just unreal thinking once he get home everything will be just fine as he can barely function at the rehab with 24 hour care. He also thinks he will be driving again once he gets home as he can't even get in the car to ride; let alone drive. Wow we never thought being around someone in this condition is so trying, GOD help us!!! LATER

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