Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Once again another beautiful day here in the central west coast of Florida. Warm temps into the low 80's and down to the high 50's at night, bright blue skies with a gentle northern breeze and low humidity, so we have the a/c off for another day with the windows open. We missed seeing our daughter Amy and grand babies Ava and Sam as she did a park day with some of Ava's school mates, sure is quiet around here without them.

I did the usual morning routine with a "fowl wake up" around 6 AM and then my quiet time before eating my bowl of oatmeal then pedalling out to the rec for a couple hours of pickle ball. We had a smaller crowd today with just 8 players but a new fellow showed up and is quite a nice player, Dennis is an old tennis player which really helps with this sport. We played hard right up to 10AM then I headed out for the library to pick up a new read. I'm reading a true adventure story about a young woman who crosses Papal New Guinea. I will update all when I'm finished but she puts her well being in jeopardy several times and all for the adventure of seeing some pristine country, its culture and people. She really tells an interesting story.

I worked in the garden until lunch time; cold meatloaf sandwiches with mayo, onion,tomato,lettuce and and some fresh basil, what a dewicheous(Annsley) meal. After lunch I chilled and read while Nancy drove her mom to the rehab. I did a little hand watering just before supper was time to start our supper which was very good and so easy to make. Nancy sauteed fresh garlic in olive oil along with fresh asparagus, artichoke hearts, onion and caper's and then put that over Penna pasta, wow is that ever a dewicheous dish, be sure and use plenty of caper's they really add to the flavor.

Well that's about it for the day except we chilled after the supper cleanup; I read after Fox News and she flipped channels, LATER

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