Tuesday, June 21, 2011


The temps were into the low 60's with sunshine for the biggest part of the day until it was time to get ready for my pickle ball match with Deputy Ted. Well the skies opened up once again and the thunder and lightning was everywhere so once again we had to cancell. Maybe next Thursday we will try again, anyhow I had a busy and full day with painting and doing some small jobs.

After rolling out about 7 AM I did my few quiet moments then had a bowl of oatmeal with a banana before heading out to the gardens. So far the deer scare fence is working as they haven't been back since last Friday. Everything looked good and there is a chance the lettuce may develope. I don't know why its so hard to grow head lettuce here whereas Florida it grows so readily. Must be the clay soil here compared to the sandy soil that drains so well in Florida. Nancy came out and we transplanted the tall daisy's we dug up from Kimberly's. The soil at their farm just grows things so great as it once was a cow pasture. The flowers looked good after transplanting and the rain this evening was a plus even though we watered by hand. The temps really cooled down from a middle 80's to the low 60's after the rain.

We did our daily hike just before lunch as it was really getting hot on top so we cut through the woods and stayed on the back road in the shade most of the hike. We came back and had a lite lunch of salad and the last of the smoked chicken, YUMM!!! What a super lunch. Afterwards I headed down into the basement to paint and give my pickle ball paddles a coat of polyurathane. It was rather warm outside and the basement felt great.

Nancy fried some fish for supper along with some wild rice and buttered carrots. We invited Gerald and Gabriel up to play dominos with us after supper and we played until 9:30. Well tomorrow is a trip to Galax day for some goodies and a few musts; blinds for the downstairs(basement) windows and to see if I can make a repair to the drain stopper in the first floor shower. LATER

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