Monday, June 6, 2011


Well I slept in this morning until nearly 7:30, I feel like I lost half of the day by turning over at 6 AM but the last hour was delicious, anyhow after our quiet times Nancy made a ham omelet for breakfast with homegrown eggs, Yikes was that ever tasty. I headed out to check on the gardens and then transplanted some Zinnias, black seeded Simpson lettuce and cosmos(flower). I then watered the veggie and flower gardens as we were passed by on the rain last evening.

We decided to take our hike before lunch so off we headed to the top of the mountain. It was a nice 60 degrees this morning but by late afternoon we hit a mild 80. The hike was uneventful and we only saw Fred as he and some workers were closing in his carport. We headed down and had a lite lunch of cantaloupe and an apple. I then headed to the basement to continue getting the concrete floor ready for a painting. I used some muratic acid to help clean and etch the concrete as its been raw(unfinished) since about '95. There was lots of stains and dirt buildup over the years and I want to be sure this epoxy paint sticks.

Ray Todd came by for a visit and stayed close to an hour. I think he is bored now that he no longer has his own place on this side of the mountain. We had a good visit. After he left I finished half of the floor as I will have to paint it in shifts because of all the stuff we have accumulated and now store in the basement. Bobby and his family along with another family are scheduled for a week visit over the 4th of July.

Well we had deer taco's for supper and I must say that is the best meat ever. There was not one speck of fat in the pan or on your plate. That was absolutely the best tasting meat I've ever eaten. That was the last of the ground deer but I still have a pack of tenderloin and can hardly wait until Fall deer hunting season. My good friend Andy knows how to kill, dress and process the meat to where its the best ever. If I had access to deer year round I would never eat beef again, its that good.

After supper we headed out to the mailbox on the golf cart then rode up to the top of the mountain and down the back way. It was such a beautiful evening with temps in the low 70's. After getting back we got to see Bobby,Jill, Annsley and Gabe on Skype. Gabe is downing 11 ounces at a time and is cutting 4 upper teeth. He has really grown and Annsley was a little shy at first but eventually warmed up to the web cam and was telling us all kinds of stories. Well not much else is going on as we are heading to Galax tomorrow for shopping, LATER

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