Saturday, June 4, 2011


Well what another busy working day with the morning starting out in the low 60's and reaching the middle 80's but there was little or no humidity so it was ideal for being outside and being busy. After our usual quiet times I had a bowl of oatmeal with a banana and a peach for breakfast. After eating I headed out to check on the gardens.

I decided it would be a good morning to work on the sun side of the cabin as we usually don't get the direct sun until 10 or after so I drug out the ladder and got the bean sprayer loaded with pure bleach and proceeded to spray the mildew which had accumulated on the hemlock boards. Its amazing how bleach will kill and restore the stain of the boards to where it looks as if it was just stained. That took me a couple hours and I ended with doing the bumpout which meant I was out on the roof which gives Nancy the willy's. It is a fer piece to the ground(that hillbilly for its long way to earth). I had to cover all the flowers that surrounded the cabin with plastic to keep the bleach from decorating them with spots, anyhow that was one of those jobs where you can see the results immediately. I had a few tricky spots where the ladder had to be propted up with rocks and 2x4's as the ground is so uneven and Nancy was having her moments when I was at the end of a 24 ft ladder(wow that is a long way down, especially when your also on a 15 foot deck to start with). Oh well all is well that end well!!!

I decided since I had mowed the evening before and never got to weed whack the yard it was time to do so, so that meant up and down the property whacking for another hour or so and once again I had a wet shirt(that means a good work out in pickle ball time) by then I was famished so I finished 4 leftover ribs and Nancy made a suberb salad with fresh green onions from Joe's garden and fresh basil and cilantro from mine. After eating I decided it was time to put out lime on the yard so walking behind the fertiyzer spreader for what seemed like miles especially up and down this land was once again another wet shirt chore. Wow was I losing my mind as I knew we had made a promise to help with getting baled hay out of the field at 5 PM?

Nancy mentioned do you want to get our hike in for the day and I suggested she drive the golf cart to the mailbox and I headed to the basement to relax in a lawn chair and cool off. I think I might have even taken a power nap. She called on the radio and picked me up so we rode to the top of the mountain and stopped to visit Sarah who was walking Penny their 15 year old cocker. It was good to see her again and she as well has 2 new grandaughters a little younger than Ava and Annsley.

We had a snack before heading out to the hayfield, as we knew it would be a late supper or none at all so I broke down and drank a Dr. Pepper(first soft drink in months and ate the last piece of egg custard pie, also a first in quite awhile), wow did that ever revive me. So I loaded up some buckets(to gather horse droppings for my compost) and we headed to our good friends, Eddie and Kimberely's place. Well it seemed we would never get to loading hay as first his baler broke and he had to borrow a neighbors baler; then a pin sheared off which put that baler out of service until we could replace the pin( remember we are out in a hayfield which requires running back and forth to the barn for repairs) then finally we got enough bales to start picking up and loading on a trailer. Thankfully they had hired 2 fellers(which is country for males) both 19 year old's to help and boy am I glad they showed up as it was 9:45 PM when we stacked the last bale in barn and headed for home. What a busy day and I had no trouble falling asleep after a nice hot shower. It was a fun day with lots of different happenings. Tomorrow, Saturday will also be filled with lots of happenings as well. LATER

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