Monday, May 31, 2010

Monday, Memorial Day

Well the morning started out the usual with an early rise around 6:30, then our few quiet moments to reflect, give thanks and lift up those who we know and love and those who we know who need some special care, and then the oatmeal and or cereal. We were heading to Galax, Va. to shop after Nancy managed to get ready and put her face on. We were in Wal-Mart at 9:30 that has to be a first for us and the store was empty. I had the oil changed in the truck while Nancy did some shopping and then we both finished up with a full cart and was on our way back to the cabin by 11 am, Yikes that has to be a first.

After a lunch of smoked turkey breast on pumpernickel with mayo, onion, tomato and lettuce we got ready for the Dalton Gang, Gerald and Kay and Joe and Helen. I vacuumed the cabin while Nancy made her famous squash casserole and got it ready to pop in oven. We then decided we needed a hike to the top of the mountain so off we went. We made it to the back road with out stopping and then one stop until reaching the top. Wow has our stamina increased in just the past couple days and I feel like maybe we are either building muscle or losing a little weight, whatever it feels good to finally start to get our mountain legs again.

After the hike I got the brats ready for boiling in beer, then grilled them before once again letting them rest in a bath of the boiled beer. The aroma is delicious and the flavor is awesome especially when you add sauteed green peppers and onion's on top. Helen and Joe came and brought some delicious deviled egg's with pickled jalapenos and Joe's pound cake was a hit as well. The Dalton's brought some pasta and strawberry salads with pecans, corn on the cob and peach cobbler. The food was great and the fellowship even better. After eating we got in a couple games of Sequence with the gals finally coming from behind to win in Sequence after being down 3-1. Their first victory in almost 6 months or more.

Well I just want to thank all the guys in the 44th military airlift squadron stationed out of Travis Air Force Base in California that I had the privilege to serve with during Vietnam and to all the other men and women who have and continue to serve their country proud today. May God Bless each of you and your families and this great nation. LATER.

1 comment:

farmrgurl said...

You forgot to mention this is only the second time we have PLAYED in 6 months. I believe the score is 1-1 you are only batting 500, Trip...