Saturday, May 22, 2010

Friday on Saturday Morning

Once again it's so still here in the morning's and when I look out the kitchen window the first time for the day I see nothing but woods, flowers and green grass. The lonesome crow is off in the distant with his lonely "caw." The early morning skies were overcast and temps were down in the 50's again, the look of rain was evident, however it managed to hold off until around 5 PM. After our quiet moments and our java and tea Nancy fried up the leftover spuds along with some home grown eggs and I fixed some grits and toast with black raspberry jam, We were heading over to "mountain moms" to cut down some trees that were damaged from the winter storms. So we needed that big breakfast.

We got there around 9:30 after I did my walk around outside checking on the gardens for damage and all that I spotted was where a coyote walked through my recently planted row of radishes, so I had to erect a small fence with chicken wire to keep them out and for dogs as well. We have visitors whose dogs accompany them and they love to wonder through my veggie garden, oh well!!! Back to the morning work with the chainsaw. We must have cut 10 or more trees and a couple were big enough for logs for timber, but the tops had been broken or they were partially uprooted, anyhow I cut them up and the girls(Helen and Nancy) piled the brush for burning at a later date. It was a perfect day for working with cool temps and no humidity. We got home in time for a lunch of salad before heading out to do our at least once a day mountain top hike.

The hike really took it out of us as we were panting and feeling the pain on the upward climb, yikes I never knew these muscles could grow so lame after just 6 months of not climbing. We got back and I did a little honey do stuff like vacuuming as we were having the ole' gang over for Sequence and chips and dip later in the evening. We decided since we were probably going to eat a bunch of the salsas that we would eat lite with just a can of vegetable beef from Campbell's, its palatable but that's about all I say as I'm spoiled with Nancy's great cooking and soup making talents. Speaking of talent, luck or maybe some shenanigans going the gals came from a 0-4 deficit to win 5 straight games and beat up 5-4 last night, of course Nancy played a Jodi(she played hooky and stayed in Raleigh) hand so she was privy to what the cards where in each hand and some how she mysteriously won a couple games when we were distracted. At least the guys were sleeping with winners. It was a fun night and there was lots of laughter, good thing our neighbors are 1/4 mile away as the decibel level was high. They stayed until going on 11 PM.

Well we got a heavy rain shower some time in the night(no leaks, thanks to Andy) and it looks like rain for the day, so we will head to Galax today. LATER I will post a couple pics.

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