Monday, May 3, 2010


Well its officially summertime as temp's hit the 90's today; however we did have a decent breeze. After a few quiet moments and a bowl of cereal with a banana I pedalled out to the rec for some pickle ball. We had about 20 players for the day with 8 to start the early morning play. There were lots of wet shirts during the 2 1/2 hour workout. Afterwards I was in the weight room on the heavy weights and crunch bench, got in about 150 of those before heading out to the library for a couple reads.

Nancy had to take her folks to the heart doctor for her dad's echo cardiogram around lunch time so she delayed her workout until after 3 PM. Amy brought Ava by after lunch so she could do some shopping so we had a good time playing hide and seek, watching Bolt(movie) and of course her snacks. They stayed until nearly 3 PM before heading out. Samuel was so a cute little boy today with all of his smiles and cooing. He follows you by moving his head and eyes as you enter the room. He is starting to really be strong with holding his head up. I took several photos today and hopefully I will be able to down load. After the kids left I caught up on some reading and some picture work with all of the down loads from my old laptop.

I grilled chicken legs and Nancy did oven spuds along with peas for supper. After cleaning up I headed outside to work in the yard and gardens; watering, pulling weeds and transplanting some new seedling and starts. I found out if you have a large rosemary plant and want to start another plant without planting seeds just take some dirt and bury a lower branch leaving the green tip out and water daily. After about 2 weeks or so the branch that is under ground with start to sprout and send out roots. Cut that branch off aways from the roots and re pot. You should have another rosemary plant ready for use in about a month.

Well I will get out of here, LATER
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