Thursday, May 6, 2010

Wednesday and Thursday

Well both of these past 2 days have been pretty much the same with the usual quiet time, boring bowl of oatmeal and a ride on the bike to the rec for some pickle ball. We had large numbers of players both day with lots of wet shirts, Wow did we ever have a great last match today with Mitsko and myself beating Judy and Pete in straight sets. Afterwards I did my usual crunches and heavy weight workout. I'm now down 6 1/2 pounds and holding, but after the great dinner tonight of spaghetti and salad that may change when I get on the scales tomorrow.

We had Amy and the grand kids as well as GG and Pap for supper, good eatin' and of course Nancy used only fresh herbs from the garden in the sauce as well as all the fixin's for the salad. I cut the last of the romaine lettuce today, so from now on its buy it at the market. That was a really good run on the lettuce for the last couple months but the heat is starting to cause the lettuce to bolt(go to seed). I have a few hills of Bib lettuce left but the heat stymied its growth.

On Wednesday evening we met with our house church group so Nancy made a large layered taco dip for a snack and of course there were several store bought desserts. The dip was excellent and I put some of the leftover in a flour tortilla along with a fresh jalapeno pepper and called that my lunch today, Yumm! We had 17 adults and 6 kids last night and several of the group didn't make it at all for what ever reason. We will certainly miss our weekly get togethers for fellowship, devotions and prayers; but we are looking forward to meeting with all those we left in November at Cornerstone in our small group.

I mowed the yard after getting back from the rec and watered until it was time for lunch. The grand kids both had doctors appointments(checkup's) this morning so Nancy went along to help out and Samuel is nearly 14 pounds and Ava is 31 pounds, Samuel had to get 3 shots today so he was a bit fussy and subdued at times but did manage to entertain us with his cooing and smiles. Ava of course wants to play hide n' seek with any and everyone, she is such a delight. Well I will get out of here as its getting close to baseball time on the left coast in Seattle with the Ray's. They won again last night and are still the best team in all of baseball, Yikes that's scary. This time next week if plans hold true we will be packing up to head to the cabin early on Friday morning. LATER

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