Thursday, May 13, 2010


Well today has been a busy day but not to busy for a few quiet moments to start the day, at our house church a week or so ago we discussed prayer and I suggested The Almighty knows us but he wants to hear(prayers) what really is important in our lives at the moment. So I suggest if someone is in your thoughts for whatever reason let GOD know they are important to you or to someone you know.

After my few moments of quiet time, a boring bowl of oatmeal and a ride out to the rec for (what maybe the last time for 6 weeks or so) some pickle ball on my bike. We had 8 players today which made for some great continuous play for 2 1/2 hours with plenty of wet shirts to go around. Did that not sound like we were playing PB on our bike's. Anyhow after PB I headed to the weight room for crunches and lifts before heading home for some lunch with Amy and the grand babies, Nancy made a super salad with the last of the Bibb and Romaine lettuce and actually cut up the first tomato harvested from my patch(I like that word harvested as it indicates a crop is being picked) but in reality it was 1 termato(Annnsley call's them). Well we have enjoyed Amy, Ava and now Samuel for the last 6 months for lunch(can that be right , 6 months since we have seen out mountain cabin) where does the time go, so in the early morning hours say 3 Am I will awake the sleeping(snoring) wife of my life to get ready to head for the mountains. That time has arrived and we are both looking forward to renewing old friendships and getting the mountain cabin ready for another summer of family and friends and their visiting.

So Amy is having us for supper tonight so we won't have to clean the kitchen after supper. I have tons of vegetable seedlings just waiting to be put in the N.C. soil when we arrive this next week end as a matter of fact my tomato seedlings are blooming. Well this keyboard will be out of action for a few days, hopefully not too many as we switch from a Hot and Humid climate to a Cool and Wet atmosphere. I have to pinch myself to think we are heading to just a gorgeous place in the woods with just fantastic folks; not to say the folks were are leaving aren't fantastic. Anyhow before I step on my fingers I'd better go. LATER

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