Thursday, July 10, 2008

Slept in,Raining wonderful rain, visiting a layed up friend and picking huckleberries

Wow, what a quietness around the cabin with the family visitors gone. Nancy and I stayed up stairs where we had for the past 3 nights as we had given up our bed downstairs for Grandma Everett. During the night a soft gentle rain fell and the sound on the tin roof was intoxicating. I woke up the first time(still raining) and Nancy said go back to sleep, so I did. The second time I awakened it was nearly 8:30AM(still raining) when I came down stairs which was at least 2 hours later than all of last week. Nancy didn't awake until nearly 10AM.

After our quiet time it was nearly 11:30 AM so we skipped breakfast and had brunch. It was still raining softly so we decided to stay in the cabin. We then called our hurting friend Kimberly who is trying to recover from a bucking horse that caused her a fractured left ankle when she struck the ground. She is lucky!!! We decided she needed some cheering up, so we made a date to visit her in the afternoon. I picked some fresh Zucchini squash for her and Eddie(between the rain showers) and we took the laptop to show her pics of Annsley and Ava. The visit did her some good as she loved the pics of the granddaughters. We laughed and cutup together and helped her for awhile to forget having to keep her foot elevated for another 2 weeks. She was injured on the 2oth of June and the diagnosis is she may have to be operated on yet..


We left there round 3:30 and stopped in to visit our dear friend Helen. The rain was stopping and blue skies were becoming evident with the sun popping out. The air was fresh and clean but was starting to heat up with the sunshine. We checked out her gardens and beautiful flower beds after sitting(relaxing) a spell on her back porch in her rocking chairs. Well we were starting to get hungry(as we already had missed 1 meal) so we bid Helen farewell and headed for home...

Dinner was once again leftovers(smoked beer butt chicken) and a crisp garden salad with our first 2 tomato's(patio cherry) and 2 home grown cuke's Helen had given us. YUMMMM. After dinner clean up I burned trash, sticks and rubbish collected and Nancy picked wild huckleberries(blue berry) for buckwheat pancakes tomorrow. Later, missing our families and especially Ava and Annsley

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