Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Everyone left this the Place is silent

Well they say all good things come to an end and so be it this morning; as Bob and his family left for home in Florida and Grandma Everett left with Arianne and Elise for Michigan. They left within minutes of each other which was around 7:30 AM. Nancy had the chance to feed Annsley her breakfast and she was full of it(check out the cereal and fruit on her forehead). We all had a good laugh...

Nancy and I set about once again catching up on laundry, cleaning rooms and making beds (we found a couple of Annsley's toys and it saddened us as we bonded this past week, especially in the mornings).....

After lunch we took the first of our 2 hikes for the day. It looked like rain several times during the day but held off to about 4:30 PM when we had a nasty looking sky but received a nice moderate rain with a little thunder. After supper (which was very quiet after the past week) we took the last of our hikes. The rain had cooled the temp down into the 60's and the air was very clear as we good see Pilot Mountain extremely well. We came back and worked out in the gardens and yard.I transplanted into a different area of the yard 3 blueberry bushes I had planted last fall and were doing nothing(of course it didn't help the deer had eaten them back this spring before our arrival.)

Well we first heard from Arianne they arrived safely in Michigan a little before 6 PM and a few minutes later BOB called and said they were also home after a 12 hour ride(THANK YOU LORD). It's sad to see our family leave but a relief to know they made it back home, safely. We are company free after 2 weeks of having family and friends. It time to get back into our routine(s) of assessing our gardens, quiet time, hiking and taking day trips. Next week Cornerstone starts Vacation Bible School so we will help again this year. What a grand time we had last year and this year we will be in our new building. Nancy and I are planning visiting my family in Winchester, Va the first week in August... Until later missing our families and especially Ava and Annsley.

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